Chapter 17

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Adrien and Marinette stepped out of the lift, hand and hand, and simultaneously glanced up at the Eiffel Tower above them.

"That really happened, didn't it?" Marinette said softly. "You're really Cat Noir?"

"And you're really Ladybug." Adrien laughed softly. "It all makes sense now..."

"Isn't it funny that we still found each other?" Marinette grinned. "That we were still friends in real life?"

Adrien laughed. "Oh, I don't think it's an accident." He squeezed Marinette's hand, and they started walking across the courtyard toward the river. "We should get back to prom. It's almost midnight."

"Wait," Marinette said softly, and she stopped, pulling her hand away and gazing back up at the reddish-brown structure above her.

Adrien glanced back at her and smiled. "You really love this place, don't you?"

Marinette nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

"Let's sit down for a second," Adrien suggested, pointing to a bench a couple feet away.

Marinette nodded in agreement. "Okay." Adrien led her to the soft wooden bench, and they sat down, Marinette's dress spreading out across the wood.

"Adrien," Marinette turned toward him, her eyes thoughtful. "You realize what else?"


"We stopped Poison Ivy without our powers. We didn't even really need them until the end."

Adrien laced his hands behind his head. "You're right. We're always so reliant on our powers, but we managed without them."

They were silent, pondering on that. Marinette wrapped her arms around her knees, leaning forward.

"I guess that anyone can be a superhero. You don't necessarily need powers to stop evil."

Adrien chuckled. "That sounds like a quote off a Pinterest board."

Marinette giggled. "You're right, it's cheesy." She glanced down at the ring on Adrien's hand.

"But it's true all the same," Adrien said quickly, not wanting to discredit Marinette. Marinette grinned, looking back up at her date. "It sure is. But having powers makes it easier."

Adrien snorted with laughter. "That it does, m'lady. That it does."

They sat in silence for a moment, and Marinette gazed back up at the Eiffel Tower, her mind falling back on the events of the day.

"You know," Adrien smiled wryly. "I was about ready to wring the guy's neck that took you to prom."

Marinette burst out laughing. "A little jealous, Cat?"

"Yeah, well, not anymore." Adrien grinned. "I had my ladybug all to myself today, and I didn't even know it."

Marinette blushed, smiling down at her hands.



"You won't, like, tell anyone my identity, right?"

Adrien laughed softly, rising to his feet and holding a hand out to Marinette. "Nope. I promise."

Marinette smiled and took his hand.

Adrien lifted her to her feet. "But this is a special promise." He pulled her closer to him, and Marinette's heart skipped a beat. "I'm promising several other things too." He brushed her black bangs out of her face, his hand lingering on her cheek.

"W-what sort of things?"

Adrien smiled and didn't answer. He leaned forward and drew her face to his.

He's going to kiss me! Marinette thought blissfully, and her eyes fluttered closed.

Time seemed to stop as Adrien's lips met hers. They were soft and gentle, and Marinette found herself remembering her kiss with Cat Noir.

This is Cat Noir, she reminded herself. That's why it feels so good.

They broke apart, and Adrien rested his forehead against Marinette's.

"You won't tell anyone either, right?"

Marinette didn't answer. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again. She felt his arms go around her in return, and she was suddenly encased in Adrien's warmth. Everything seemed perfect, and she didn't want it to end.

They broke apart again, slightly breathless. Adrien rested his head on her shoulder, hugging her tightly, and Marinette leaned up into his chest.

"Are all proms this great?" Adrien whispered in her ear.

Marinette sighed happily. "I doubt it."

The Eiffel Tower sparkled above them, its lights flashing gaily as the new day began. Tikki and Plagg hovered above the Seine, giving their miraculous holders some space.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Plagg said skeptically. "Having them know about each other?"

Tikki sighed. "No, I'm not." Her eyes softened. "But Adrien and Marinette and different. They really trust each other."

Plagg snorted. "That's just because they're in love! That's not real trust."

Tikki rolled her eyes. "Plagg, that's what love is. They trusted each other enough to give up their miraculous, believing that the other would take care of it." Tikki grinned. "That's real trust for you."

Plagg thought about that, his whiskers twitching.

"And they need each other," Tikki said softly, watching as Adrien started to lead Marinette in a waltz. "They'll be stronger together than they are apart."

"I hope you're right," Plagg grunted. "The whole world depends on that trust."

Tikki nodded. "Have I ever been wrong, Plagg?"

Plagg opened his mouth, then closed it again. "No."

"Trust me." Tikki winked, then glanced up at the sparkling lights on La Tour Eiffel. "Race you to the top!"

"Oh, I'm going to win!" Plagg and Tikki zoomed through the iron bars of the tower happily, trusting their miraculous holders down below to keep them safe.

The Eiffel Tower sparkled in the night, rising above the sleepy lights of Paris. All was well.

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