i n c o m p a t i b i l i t y

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Kiara's Pov:

I looked around the crowded dance floor. I am gonna die today. I gulped and started looking for my so called best friend who ditched me.

It was her idea to bring us to this shady club. I groaned, knowing that us separating was my fault. I had pushed her towards a guy she had been admiring for the last twenty minutes and being a major buzz-kill. I stepped out of the lousy club.

It was located on the outskirts of the city. Away from the normal civilization and near the illegal shenanigans. I choose to not elaborate on those because I don't even know what they are. All I know is that Xavier is a part of it and it's dangerous as hell.

The loud crunch of leaves brought me away from my dream world. I had been zoning a lot lately. I cursed at myself for being this unaware in an untrusted area filled with adults double my age and God knows what kinds of weapons.

I mindlessly continued walking down a trail feeling slightly tipsy but not enough to make rash decisions. Thankfully, I was the smarter one and had kept a check on the amount of drinks Tia drank. I had merely had one tequila and one flavored beer.

I jumped when I felt someone's large hand cupping my shoulder. Fuck, no! I am not yet ready for death. I internally cried and closed my eyes. Oh god! I am sorry for snitching on my cousins that one time they left me with the parents and hung out without me. Oh yeah, and for stealing the brownies.

"Boo," a rough and a very familiar voice whispered in my ear, making me flinch. I turned around suddenly, almost giving myself a whiplash. "It's you!" I started, pointing a finger at him accusingly. "You-" I started but couldn't find an appropriate insult as I was still shaken up. A lazy smirk rested on his face but you would only see it if you looked close enough.

"Glad I have the ability to make you speechless" He said cockily , making me groan and push on his chest. "What are you doing here?" I rested my hand on my hip, tilting my head upwards to get a clearer view of him. My eyes did a quick once over when I saw him in a tight white shirt with a leather jacket and some ripped jeans. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his so called style. It was casual. And so damn sexy. I cursed at myself for that thought.

"I should be asking you that. What are you doing here?" He stepped forward, clearly knowing no boundaries. "None of your business." I cringed at how hypocritical that sounded. He leaned on the tree beside me casually, staring at me like I was some seven star restaurant main course. I shook that thought away and frowned. "Are you following me?" Came out of my mouth without thinking. The deep vibration of his chuckle radiated through the clearing of what looked to be a forest.

How did I end up here?

"You would be the last person I would wanna follow. Trust me, doll." My face scrunched up at the pet name. Doll? "I only came out of the club to have a smoke when I saw you wandering away" he explained further. I felt bad for accusing him but that's what a normal person would do.

"Okay," I dragged out and kicked a kicked one of the dry leaves. The events of yesterday rushed back to me, making me first my hands at my side to resist punching him. He humiliated me. It wasn't him, it was his girlfriend. Right. The girlfriend he has been cheating on?

"Well leave!" I exclaimed, a sudden wave of anger pulsing through me. One thing about me was, I hated cheaters. More than anything.

I turned back around so I could walk away. The moment of confidence was short-lived because of a an animal which reached my waist, baring its teeth at me. I shrugged, it was probably a wolf.

What? A wolf?

I turned back around and jumped on Xavier. His eyes were scrunched in pure amusement. We were going to die and he found this funny. My arms instantly wrapped around his neck, almost seeking a sense of familiarity. Maybe because you've jumped him countless amounts of times. Majority times not for the sake of fighting. This was not the time to think about this. My legs tightened around his hips as I hid my face in his neck, gripping on his jacket tightly.

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