b i t t e r n e s s

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Xavier's Pov:

I look around the room, annoyed by the girl with the wittiest mouth sitting next to me. We were sitting against the door and she kept dozing off against my shoulder. She woke up every few minutes due to me pushing her head away from my shoulder with force, causing her to wake up with a jerk each time and give me a stink eye. She muttered a few colorful words each time and dozed off into dreamland for the fifth time since an hour.

I let out a groan, loud enough to make her shuffle and elbow my side. I put my hand under her head and shoved her away again. I snickered when her head bumped against the wall with a soft thud, feeling no remorse and cracking my neck.

"First you get us into this mess and now you won't even let me rest? God, you're cruel, Xavier!" She said with a frustrated sigh and rested her head on the wall. I just shrugged because I wasn't bothered enough to reply to her. The only good thing about her was her lips, nothing else. I shook my head at that thought and saw her falling asleep again.

For fucks sake, how tired was this girl. I poked her arm, getting bored again and with annoying her being my only source of entertainment while being stuck in a small room, feeling extremely claustrophobic.

I kept poking her arm, waiting for her to wake up and yell at me...or make out with me. I grunted when she refused to open her eyes and stared at her hand. I had practically observed every other part of her body besides her hand. I rolled my eyes at my thoughts. I examined her soft skin and seemingly perfect knuckles compared to my always bruised ones.

I turned my head around once I realized what I was doing. Seriously? Observing the useless girl's hand? Useless but fascinating. I added and picked up the pencil laying on the ground, drawing middle fingers and writing vulgar words on the wall next to me mindlessly.


I was two seconds away into pummelling into the scrawny boy's face before I heard soft grunt behind me. Annoyed, I turn around with a sneer on my face to look at the person who dropped books near my feet.

I was met with fiery eyes turned into slits as the girl's dark hair flowed everywhere, resembling a bird's nest. I scoffed at the image, ignoring just how attractive she looked standing in front of me out of breath with her pink lips sticking out to form a natural pout. I had seen her before but where.

She stuttered while mumbling a small greeting towards me and bent down to pick up her heavy books. I was already in a bad mood because of the boy who had scrambled away by now after talking shit about my family. "Pussy," I muttered as I watched him run off as the girl who was gathering her books looked up with an offended expression. "Excuse me?" She asked bewildered, her familiar almond eyes turning wider as she stared at me.

I held in the urge to chuckle at how the position would look if someone was watching from behind me. I shook my head to get rid of the profane thoughts running through my head. I walked away from her, kicking one of the girl's heavy but completely useless books in the process.

I heard some shuffling behind me and increased my speed. Doesn't she get a hint? I turned around suddenly, remembering how I saw her a few days ago at some party and at the grocery store two days ago, staring at me with those wide accusing eyes while I bought beer and a pack of cigs.

"Are you fucking stalking me?" I asked her in an uncharitable way. She ignored my question and asked one of her own, "Were you going to hit that guy?" She was starting to get on my nerves. "Stop fucking rubbing your nose into other people's business!" I said crudely and walked away, muttering a "stalker bitch," audible enough for her to hear.


I zoned out by someone shaking me aggressively and pinching my arm. My face turned into its natural annoyed look as I stared at the girl panicking beside me. "What now? Go back to sleep or something." I said in a bored tone, not feeling like arguing right now.

Her lips rolled into a straight line as she pressed them together. I kept my eyes on them before feeling her nails dig into my arm as she tried to drag me somewhere. What the fuck! I looked up at her standing figure, sighing and standing up myself as I followed her. She forced me under a small teachers table, pushing my head against the wood purposely before getting in herself. I rubbed my forehead. "What the fuck?" I asked. She just put her finger on her lips, shushing me, just as I heard a few footsteps walking around the other side of the room, covered by plastic sheets.

Okay then! I clicked my tongue and stared at the wood my legs were currently pressed against. "Kiara," I whispered, making her look up at me. "What?" She replied as I shifted uncomfortably. "You're sitting on my leg!" I whisper yelled as she shushed me again. My face was now two inches away from her neck due to her tilting her head.

"Deal with it, frail legs" she said with a small giggle. I hated people who giggled. "Don't call me that," I replied as she snickered lightly to herself. "What's so funny?" I asked, as the footsteps started fading.

"I took 'make a man weak in the knees' to the next level!" She chuckled at her statement, jumping on my legs, making me wince. I bit down on her neck, making her head bump loudly on the wood before sliding out from under the table. I dusted my pants and made my way towards the slightly open door, slipping out silently. I ignored one of the renovators staring at me suspiciously.

I chuckled to myself when I turned around and looked at the embarassing expression she wore as the man gave her an accusing look, looking between us. She ducked her head down and walked away as I made my way towards my Jeep.


A/N: ok this chapter was a little too late because i thought nobody really liked my book but when i logged into wattpad and saw the amount of votes and supportive comments i was literally shook.

thank u guys for being patient and not spamming me with update every two seconds!


stay safe babies! <3 i love u

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