The realization

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Henry's point of view:
I was going to my locker feeling good! About what I chooses ! And it was all because of Charlotte she Amazing! Isn't she with that sweet smile , and cute curls, whoa whoa , am that just Charlotte my best friend what am I saying ?!!
Hey Hen!! My thoughts were stopped then I heard someone calling my I saw char waiting for me.
Hey char! I hugged her not wanting to let go , but it ended sadly.
So what did you choose ?!! I choose to go with the advice you gave and I am going to get classes of singing and learning how to play guitar!
She smiled yay I am so proud of you!
Thanks char ! What did you choose well , I choose singing and dancing classes! Wow chat that's amazing I proud of you too!
I hugged her and my stomach was getting this butterflies again I was so confused why I was this way??
I let go and char looked at with a weird look in her face .
Are you ok ? She asked .

Yeah why?
You just look so confused and consider.
No I am ok , well I need to Harry to go to junk and stuff , bye!!
But Henry wait we go together.
It's was to late I was already gone running to work so I can understand what the hell is happening with me.

Charlottes point of view:
I was so mad at him , but also sad , I don't understand him did I do something wrong , he doesn't want to be friends anymore.
I should probably ask jasper maybe he knows why Henry acting so weird...
Hey char! I turn around to see jasper , just on time. Hey jasper , I need to ask you something , did you notice if Henry was acting weird today?
Ammm no, then I was with Henry he was normal . Why ? , and where is he , we need to go to junk and stuff together.
I am asking because he was acting stranger near me. One second we were talking about what we chose today and second later he just run saying he need to go , to junk and stuff but he knows we always walk together!!!
Ohh that's weird, well we will find out now we are going we're.
Yeah you probably right....
So what did you choose?!!
Oh I choose dancing and singing classes.
What did you choose . *in her head please don't tell me he choose something with buckets *
I choose acting classes .
Wow jasper I thought you will choose something with buck—-
I was stopped by jasper , and I choose how to be a better collector class!!! So I can be a better buckets collector!!!
Why am I not surprised I said giving him my look🙄.
Ok , jasper let's go we don't won't to be late , like last time and get Ray to be pissed.
Ok I am coming .
Henry's point of view:
After running not stop I went down the elevator to the man cave to find ray , well just doing nothing like always.
Ohh hey Henry , where is Charlotte don't you usually walk together , oh and that other kid?
Wwhhhaattrttt???😅😅😂 I start to panic and laugh awkwardly.
Pshhhh nooooo , no , no , no!
Who is Charlotte , I have no idea who are you talking about . Well I should get going. I turn to  the tubes , but Ray Catches me before I can go.
Wait , wait , a hole dam minute. What is wrong with you tell me know.
Nothing. I say.
He looks at me giving the look , I know that you are trying to hide something from me, ok I will tell you, just not here.
Why don't here ?
Because Charlotte and Jasper will probably come her any second and I don't want them to hear ok!
Ok , chill let's go upstairs.
At the upstairs (lol I don't know why I to do it like this but ok 😂)
So what's up?
I don't ok , one second I was talking to Charlotte like always then a second after I start to feel weird and stuff .
How exactly weird? He asked , for one second I felt like I was having a talk with psychologist which is totally not like that , because well it's Ray!
I felt that my stomach is flipping upside down and that my heart was racing really fast and a lot of butterflies in my belly. And I was having this weird thoughts all day only about Charlotte!
Buddy you are inlove with your best friend!
Whattttt , where is no way!
You think so?!
Ohhh nooo ...
just then we heard, Ray Henry where are you?!
It's was Charlotte.
Jasper is here tooo, jasper yelled.
Ok buddy let's go to them , ray said to me.
What are you crazy I can't see Charlotte know!
Yeah char we are coming!
What are you doing ?!!
Ahh going down stairs , come on Henry charlotte doesn't going to get you anywhere, you can still be friends, just think quickly how to ask her out romantically.
And then he just dragged me downstairs.
————————————————————————and this is it for now. You know that I already planed the end of the book. It's weird but I just have something really cool and amazing for the end. Everything else I am doing along the way lol. I hope it ends really good book. Hope you like it so far❤️❤️.

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