What you should know first!

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Ok so before we go into the story you need to know couple important things!
So Henry and Charlotte are 16 but they are going to be shortly 17 ( maybe I even will do a chapter of their birthday I don't know 🤷🏼‍♀️) . anyway Henry is still kid danger , but like I said he is finding another things that he really likes to do , and he takes it to the next level. Of course piper , and jasper in this story too. Piper is 15 and jasper is 16 like Henry and Charlotte!

Also I going to make ray in this story a little more mature, a lot like a second father for Henry  , not saying he wasn't before, just yeah!
Anyways hope you enjoy the story , have fun!❤️☺️
Ahh and the picture isn't relevant I just thought it was cute and funny😂😁.

Riptide 😍( yeah the song ) chenry❤️Where stories live. Discover now