Logan x male!side!reader

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Soo another Logan chapter.....I'm sorry if you wanted a different character but Logan is actually one of my favorite sides soooo yea (art is by me! You're free too use it as long as you credit)

Tw: unsympathetic light sides, you're a dark side, bad description of a panic attack

Narrator POV 

The sides were having another argument and unusually Logan sat by, normally he'd voice his opinion, though it always got shot down by the others, m/n was sitting next to him holding his hand trying to calm him, since he could feel the book loving side getting tense, you see you're Thomas's hatred, so you were drawn to the Chaos and negativity, that's why you're even in the room at the moment 

You felt the weight on the couch switch, so when you looked to the book lover you saw a seen you never thought you would, Logan shaking, knees to his chest, silently whimpering wall he grabbed his hair in a haphazard way, his breathing started to quick, the tense aura around him changed even darker. He's having a panic attack

You sunk him down to his room, do to your room boosting hateful feelings it was best to bring him to his room, hell the other sides didn't even notice 

You sunk up and appeared on his bed, you instantly hugged him tightly and rubbed circles on his back, whispering sweet words in his ear and running his fingers threw his hair

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to see me like this m/n" Logan said wiping his tears roughly with his sleeve. As he said that your eyes widened slightly until you took a good breath and put your hand on his cheek, wrapping your arms around his waist, he limply laid his head on your shoulder "it-....it's fine Logan" this had happened many times before, at this point you were his personal therapist, not that you were complaining, you loved him after all

~time skip~

After awhile the two of you had watched some movies, ate some snacks (mostly healthy butttt Logan did let you splurge a little) and cuddled and then.....

You woke up to a thump like sound, opening your eyes and looking around you saw Logan....gone? You heard the sink going and someone.....crying?

You got up and walked to the bathroom, the door was cracked open so you peeked threw and what you saw broke your heart

Logan, sitting against the tub, head in his hands, silent tears streaming down his face, he looked so distressed 

You walked up to him and held him 

"What's wrong Logan"

"Bad dream"

"Wanna go back to the bedroom lo?" It seemed he Was still quite tired since all he did was nod in agreement. You picked him up and walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, lying him down, lying down yourself, Logan snuggling into my side

"Hey m/n?" You heard Logan mumble into my chest 

"Hm yea Logan?" You answered 

"I love you" he mumbled it but You heard it loud and clear

"I-I love you to Logan" You smile at him


Remus: this is delightful black mail

Janus: definitely not

Remy: soooo have they started dating yet?

Remus & Janus: Yep!!!

Soooo I'm back, hey guys! 

What up?

Anyways hopefully you enjoyed 

Star out~

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