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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽
part one ; the smell of rain
on the ground, fresh and wet,
formulating a brown puddle

THUNDER BOOMED through the sky, as if cursing those who lived on earth, busily occupying themselves as heavy rain poured on them, the streets still crowded despite the weather

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THUNDER BOOMED through the sky, as if cursing those who lived on earth, busily occupying themselves as heavy rain poured on them, the streets still crowded despite the weather.

Nara was in the gallery exhibit by Nekoma University, the roof above her shielding her from the pouring rain outside, her eyes taking in every painting in the room - some being hers.

It was cold in the gallery, the lack of chairs, or just mere comfort evident. It felt foreign to her, the feeling of emptiness. It was well lit around the paintings, but even the lights weren't enough to cover the entire space, leaving it dim, but bright only by the art.

Her eyes scanned her own work, double checking if there were any mistakes she had missed, or any detail that needed any tweaking.

It was an impressive work of art. The eyes of someone she had never met before, or even spoken to. It was pure ice, the gaze so intense it made her shiver just looking at it.

The details were impeccable, she had to admit.

From the way the iris twinkled, to the shape of his eyes, almost drooping at the ends, and curving as they met towards his nose, his lashes long, but not too long, the color of his eyes a favorable fudge brown, almost like hot chocolate on a winter night - sweet, yet dangerous - the caution of burning your tongue present.

From afar, they were simply eyes, but as you looked closer, you would easily be pulled into a trance. There was something about them that was just so alluring, so captivating.

The crackle of thunder had snapped Nara out of the daze she was in, jumping slightly in surprise from the loudness of the sound the sky let out. She looked down at her wrist watch, a sigh of disappointment escaping her lips.

There was no way she would be able to attend class with just an umbrella. She had at most a ten minute walk from the gallery to the campus, and that meant she would get wet which would evidently lead her to a mild cold, if she was lucky.

She, unfortunately, was one of those people who easily got sick, thus why she had to take extra precautions, and although it wasn't that big of a deal, she would still get a handful from her parents, leading to a never ending lecture as to how she needs to take care of herself and be healthy so that they don't have to worry about their youngest daughter sick, in a big city like Seoul.

"Interesting. This looks oddly familiar." A voice hummed from beside her, causing the girl's head to snap towards that direction, her breath hitching as she realized who it was.

He looked handsome, in a turtle neck, emphasising his toned chest, a trench coat over his shoulders, making him look more intimidating than usual. His eyes met hers, those same eyes she had seen so many times, and yearned to stare at for so long.

"You really need to stop putting me in your paintings." He said, a light smirk on his lips, amusement gleeming behind his eyes, glancing back at the painting Nara had done of him.

" What? I wasn't—"

"Save me the theatrics, sweetheart. I know a liar when I see one." He had cut her off, an immediate blush creeping onto Nara's cheeks. She wanted the ground to swallow her whole.

He knew. He knew it was him, and to say that she was embarrassed would be an understatement. She was beyond the embarrassed point. If she could, she would deny it, but he already knew. It was no use.

He watched as she closed her mouth, and opened it to say something, but closing it after further thinking. She was speechless.

If anything, he had found this entire situation amusing. He had his assumptions about the girl that stood in front of him. Upon seeing her in the coffee shop he loved, to him, she was a normal university student who liked coffee way too much.

But at second glance, he had realised that she wasn't. Well, she was, but to him, she wasn't, mostly because he's never experienced a student that had the talent to draw him. He was flattered.

Noticing that she was there most of the time he was, he had grown quite curious, always observing that she would so often take glances his way, and scribble onto her notebook - which he had realised was a sketchbook.

The one time he had disrupted a stranger's privacy was when Nara had fallen asleep in her seat, not bothering to pick up the sketchbook that dropped onto the floor, wide open for the world to see. He had secretly flipped through the sketchbook, seeing countless sketches of his figure, his hair, his face, before returning it. One would think she was stalking him, or perhaps obsessed, but she wasn't.

She just admired his features, his beauty. It was odd, though, because he didn't feel creeped out by the sketches, no, he liked them. The girl had talent, and who was he to prevent such talent to spill out? Even if it was his face being drawn without his full consent.

Nara stayed silent, almost gawking at the man in front of her. She didn't know what to say. Should she apologise? But apologise for what? it wasn't like what she had done was illegal. It was just a mere drawing, painting, of his eyes.

"I'm Yoongi, by the way." He had finally spoken up, only making Nara more speechless. After such a comment from him, he was going to introduce himself?

"N-Nice to meet you . . .?"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

hello everyone !! i hope
you enjoyed this chapter/introduction :)
i'm hella excited right now, like
giddy excited because
this isn't even the start start yet.
this is like the prologue teehee.

interactive question:
can you paint/draw too?

me, personally, i SUCK at it lmao.
my parents are so good at it,
but i wasn't born with hands like theirs :')
i wish though, i would love to be
able to actually draw to the level higher
than a fourth grader.

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