Our heroes arrived in Water Town, trained and relaxed a bit in the hot springs, and the next day, they resumed their journey, but first, they bought a few umbrellas and food supplies, and left town. When they left, they arrived at an area where it always rains, and the river is always overflowing (But there are places you can go.), and Miguel, seeing the panorama, was shocked.
Miguel : Oh no, I had never seen anything like this!
Rottytops : I have to be very careful... I don't want my head to fall in the water... (Sighs.) That would be horrible.
Sky : How can we get through here?
Shantae : Hmm, (Looks at some rocks sticking out of the water, and points at them with his right index finger.) Look! Maybe we can get through here!
Bolo : Well, we could climb on you too if you transform into a harpy.
Shantae: (Looks at Bolo.) I'd rather not do that, thanks, since we can get through those rocks. Besides, you say it like I can hold your weight easily! Hehehe...
Wrench: Groack, groack! Gruack... (Ha, I can fly! But you can't...)
Miguel : (Goes to the other side of the river, thanks to the rocks.) Phew, that was close!
Sky : (Goes to the other side of the river, thanks to the rocks.) Ah, I almost fell!
Wrench : (Flies over the river.) Gruack, gruack gruack... Gruack. (La, la, la... I passed by without straining at all.)
Bolo : (Goes to the other side of the river, thanks to the rocks.) Ayyy, that was a close call!
Rottytops : (Goes to the other side of the river, thanks to the rocks, with a lot of fear.) Ugh, phew... I don't want my head to fall off!
Shantae : (Right on the last rock, she moves a little sideways, quite scared.) Aaah, aaaahhh... Oh nooooo...!
Miguel : (Grabs Shantae by her right arm, and pulls her, so she doesn't fall.) Are you all right?
Shantae: Eh, yes, thank you very much... (They continue walking.)
Bolo : I wonder where we can have lunch... (Everyone is looking at him with a bad face.) Wh-What? This time I'm not saying it because I'm hungry but because if we don't find a place to have lunch, well, we won't be able to have lunch! (The others look surprised.) You don't believe me, do you?
Sky : No.
Bolo : Okay! Can you listen to my guts? No? Well, I'm not hungry.
Wrench : Gruack... Gruack, gruack!? Gruack! (Wait... What, Bolo's not hungry?!? Impossible!)
Miguel : (Very quietly.) Bolo's not hungry? (Looks at Shantae.) Seeing is believing!
Shantae: (In a very low voice, looks at Miguel.) I'm as amazed as you are, I didn't expect this!
Sky : (In a very low voice, looks at Miguel and Shantae.) Yes, that's true, the probability that Bolo is not hungry now is the same that we will win the lottery!
Rottytops : (In a very low voice, look at Miguel, Shantae and Sky.) Well, Sky, we shouldn't exaggerate, we would need a lot of luck to win the lottery...
Shantae : 'Rotty' is right.
Sky : Okay, I take it back.
Bolo : Did you say something?
Miguel : (Everyone looks at Bolo, and speaks out loud.) Oh, no, nothing, nothing.
Bolo : Hmmmm...
Sky : Well... We better continue, no?
Love Of Other Worlds (Shantae X Me)
Romance1 : "Me" is ME, the author. 2 : Thanks to my friend Giorgio, he helped me with the draw. 3 : The draw is in Spanish. What appears means : "Love Of Other Worlds". 4 : Everything related to Shantae, like her friends and her world, belongs to the Video...