Part 1

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"Stop it hurts" I screamed in pain
" you think by saying stop I'm going to ugh petty little Samantha" said Michael the schools number 1 bully.
He pushed me into the lockers, he was punching me and kicking me.
His friends stood there watching while Amy my best friend had to stay where she was as Michael had threatened her.
"Michael stop I'll do anything" I screamed
"Hmm anything" Michael said with a grin on his face.
He nodded and said " meet me outside the disabled toilets at lunch if you don't you'll regret it" at that he kissed my forehead and walk away laughing.
Amy ran over too me...
"Omg Samantha are you ok"?
" no Amy I think my nose is broken "
"Omg I'll get a teacher" before I could say no she ran and got Mr Smith the pastoral leader of our year. He came running up to me.
"What happened Samantha" he asked
" I walked in to one of the lockers sir" I answered I glared at Amy. She just stood there in silence.
Mr smith took me to the office to get my nose checked.
"The nurse said I'm fine" I told Amy
As we walked off she said to me "Sam why did you lie"
" am you've seen what he did to me if they put us in detention things will only get worse"
Amy huffed and speed walked
Great I've lost my best friend and I'm being bullied just what I need.
Oh I'm sorry I haven't introduced my self
Hi I'm Samantha I live in an ordinary house on and ordinary street in an ordinary town. But I'm not the normal person you come across. My life is a living hell thanks to Michael and his bully friends I'm moving soon but I don't want to tell anyone so I trust you with that secret.
Back to the fanfic:
I went to my lesson as usual, hm I have maths first. I went in and sat in the only chair left. Great I had to sit by Calum. I mean he's alright but he can be really weird at times. The lesson dragged as usual. Second lesson I had science. At least I got to work with James. James is alright as we'll he's in Calum's group of friends. We we're put together for this assignment. I liked this assignment it's got a lot of blood and guts in it. We have to dissect a mouse. After I had finished that lesson it was lunch time. Shit I wonder what's going to happen now I have to meet Michael.
I went and stood outside the disabled toilet and waited for Michael. He came and dragged me in to the toilet. He said.......

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