Part 7

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..Luke went and opened the Door but there was nobody there. So he shut the door and came back into the living room. "Who was it" cal asked worriedly. "There was nobody there" answered Luke. "I'm pregnant" I blurted out. "What" cal looked at me scared. "I think it's Michaels" but I don't want to tell him" "ok just calm down Sam" they said. "Ok I'm calm, my dad doesn't know only my mum did' how am I going to tell dad". "We will tell him we will ease it into him" said Luke. For the rest of the time we sat there I silence. "Um I better be getting back" I said. " I'll drive you as promised"said ash. We got up and went to the van. We started driving and ash said to me " Sam I've got to tell you something" "um sure" I replied "I like you" "um yeah I like you too" "no as I mean like like you, as in love you" "oh, um I sort of like you in that way too" I smiled. "Would you date me Samantha" "um sure" he had a huge grin on his face showing off his dimples. God I loved his dimples and his smile. We arrived outside my dad's house. I went in and he ran over to me and hugged me. "I see you've met Ashton then" "um yeah dad and were kinda dating" "that's cool ash come in". "Um ok" ash replied to my dad. Dad offers me and ash a drink I say no because I'm pregnant but I don't tell him that. Ash said no because he had to drive home. "Why don't you stay here the night" my dad asked. "Um if it's ok" ash said worriedly " yup it's perfectly fine" dad replied. I went into the kitchen and ash followed. He wrapped his warm arms around my belly. "So than baby, what are you going to call mr bump here" and he rubbed my stomach. "Babe I haven't thought that far ahead" we burst out came in and asked why we were laughing. I walked straight into the front room and burst into tears. "Hunny what's wrong" dad asked."im so sorry dad I dint know I didn't mean too" I sobbed."mean to what?" He asked "dad im ..........

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