Chapter 4

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Ok, for starters, don't worry! I won't make Annabeth mean, I'll just make is clear that Percy is utterly and completely whipped. Or maybe I won't. Who knows? You just have to read to find out. Also, the pic at the top is the percabeth reunion at Camp Jupiter. And I'm sorry if this chapter seems more like a script. I had a small case of writers block. 

Now, I think that's it, so comment, vote, and add to your library! Happy reading!

– your author


Ok, so Percy was half-right. Annabeth DID wait until they were both home to act, but not in the way he had expected.

As soon as he had closed the front door, he was immediately pushed up against it again. Annabeth was kissing him fiercely, and it took a second for him to respond, but Percy ended up kissing her back just as passionately. In the end, Annabeth was the one to pull them apart (but not before they had ended up on the couch).

"What was that?!" Percy asked, eyebrows raised.

"I love you," Annabeth said, breathless.

"Ok, I love you, too, but WHAT WAS THAT?" he asked again.

Annabeth sighed and moved so she was sitting next to him, "Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to not do that at school today?"

Ok, not what I was expecting. But not necessarily bad, Percy thought.

"I do know, but I thought you would be pissed at me for doing what I did at lunch today," he said before he could stop himself from bringing it up.

"Oh, I am. But I needed to do that more," Annabeth replied.

And she was mad, but she had known to expect something in retaliation for doing what she did that morning. Annabeth couldn't really blame him for wanting pay-back, even if it was completely evil. Even so, he was most definitely going to be paying for what he did. She couldn't just LET him do that without getting him back for it! And just like she usually does, Annabeth had a plan.

"Oh, good. I was starting to get wor–" Percy was cut off by the sound of the door slamming open.

"Mr. McShizzle-Bad-Boy-Supreme is in the house!"

"Leo," Percy and Annabeth sighed in unison.

"And us!" Piper exclaimed.

When they actually looked, Percy and Annabeth saw that Leo, Calypso, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Nico, and Thalia were all barging into their apartment. That's one thing you can also expect from demigods: no manners.

"Oh, well, just come on it, guys!" Annabeth exclaimed with a heavy amount of sarcasm.

"It's not like you're interrupting or anything!" Percy said the same way.

"Thanks!" Thalia said.

Percy and Annabeth exchanged a look, "What do you want?"

"We just wanted to check in on you guys. See how you're doing without each other," Piper answered.

"Yeah, right. You wanted to see if we've cracked yet," Percy said.

"Well..." Jason said.

Thalia didn't have any such hesitation with admitting their true intentions, though, "I would never pass up a chance to see my little cuz suffer!"

"Well, you will be sorely disappointed because we are still keeping the secret with ease!" Annabeth cut quickly.

"Is that right?" Frank asked.

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