Chapter 6

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As the weeks passed, she was placed in a leg brace and told she could start going for walks to help build up her leg. So, at night she and Enyo went out for walks. Glaives that were around would stop and ask how she was and if she need help with anything. She would tell them she was fine. She headed home and as she opened the door was pulled into Luche's arms.

"Your home. I missed you so much." She said as she kissed him. She saw a bandage on his arm. When he took off his coat. 

"What happened are you okay?" she had him sit down then went to get him something to drink. 

"Maya come sit down please." She hands him a drink then sits down.

"Please just let me hold you. I missed you." She laid against as Enyo jumped up and laid in Maya's lap.

Luche pet the cat's head. 

"You know Enyo means war, right?" she smiled. 

"Yeah, I think it is perfect for her. Luche are you okay?" he kissed the top of her head. 

"Yeah, I just really missed seeing you every day." She turned to look at him. 

"Doctor says I can start training in a few weeks." He smiled at her.

"I got you some ice cream on my way home." He tells her. She got up and got it with a spoon then gave him a bite.

She saw how tired he was. So, she went to make him some eggs. She sat in front of him and feed him. 

"Baby you know I can feed myself, right?" he said with a small laugh. 

"Yeah but I like taking care of you. You are always taking care of me so let me do the same for you." Once he was done eating, she pulled him to his feet and walked into their bedroom.

She removed his shirt careful not to hurt his arm. Then removed his pants. 

"Lay down baby." She tells him as she puts his stuff away. When she comes back into the room, she sees he is already asleep and covers him. She went out to the kitchen to clean up the dishes. Enyo followed her everywhere she went. Once done she went to bed herself.

She woke up in Luche's arms. She turned to look at him asleep. 

"You okay Maya?" he mumbled still half asleep. 

"Yeah, I'm just happy your home." She kissed his cheek then went to get up. 

"No, stay in bed with me." She laughed and curled up against him. He started kissing her shoulder. 

"I love you, Maya." She turned again to look at him.

"I love you too Luche. Welcome home." He opened his eyes and kissed her lips.

She was in the kitchen when he walked out of the bathroom. She was feeding Enyo and hit her leg on the stool. 

"Shit" she rubbed her leg and looked up at him. 

"Still a little tender don't worry. I'm even off pain meds now." She tells him as she gives him a cup of coffee. 

"Nyx wants us to meet him for drinks and food tonight." He tells her.

"I will have to meet you there. I have some paperwork to do first." He says grabbing his keys.

Maya walked to the local dive and carefully walked down the stairs. She saw Nyx and smiled. Before she reached her brother Tredd stepped in front of her. He ran a hand down the side of her face. 

"It's been a while, Maya." She pushed his hand away and tried to walk past him. He grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall his knee pressing into her sore leg. 

"I see you still haven't learned your lesson." She tried to get free.

"Let her go Tredd." She looked up to see Luche and he was not in a good mood.

Just then Tredd was pulled off her as Luche pulled her into his arms. She saw Nyx had been the one to pull the Glaive off her. 

"Stay away from my sister Tredd. I won't warn you again." Tredd pushed Nyx off him then walked off. 

"You okay Maya?" she nods to her brother, but they could see she was a little shaken up.

They sit down and Luche orders fries with nacho cheese, chile, sour cream, and bacon bits. He also ordered a burger. She looked up at him. 

"The fries are for you baby. I know how much you like them." She laughed at that. She was always stealing his fries. 

"Thank you." She said as she kissed his cheek. 

"Oh, come on not in front of me," Nyx says groaning.

They were all sitting there talking and eating when she laid her head on Luche's shoulder. Her eyes closed as he put his arm around her to let her get comfortable. 

"How's she doing with her leg?" Nyx asked. 

"She says the doctor told her she can start training again in a few weeks." Nyx smiles. 

"That should make her happy."

She was finally cleared to start training when she walked into the training center. Nyx ran over to her. 

"Okay, sis we are just going to go full force. You ready?" before she can say anything, he grabs her hand pulling her forward. 

"Of course, you are." She looked at her brother. 

"Nyx, I think I should take it slowly." But he wasn't listening, and she didn't want to disappoint him.

Maya had missed her landing for the 20th time and her body was killing her. She felt the pain in her leg.

 "Come on Maya you can do better," Nyx yelled out. She was breathing heavily as she looked at her brother. 

"Ulric, you got her doing warps? She needs to start off slow. This is too much for her." Luche walked closer. "Look at her Nyx she's in pain." Nyx looked at her.

"Don't tell me how to train my own sister," Nyx yelled getting in Luche's face. 

"I will do whatever I have to need to do to keep her safe. Even if it's from her own brother." Luche said calmly. Maya stood up and tried to get them to stop. As she got closer Nyx pushed her away making her stumble and fall.

Maya felt her leg cry out in pain as she once more stood up. 

"ENOUGH" she yelled out making the two look at her. 

"Nyx, I tried to tell you I wasn't ready, but you ignored me. I tried because I didn't want to disappoint you." She said softly looking at her brother. 

"So, you are going to take his side over your own brothers?" Nyx yelled walking over to her. She shook her head. 

"I'm not taking anyone's side Nyx." She said calmly as she placed a hand on his arm.

He pushed her away. 

"You know what I don't care anymore let him train you then." He started to walk away.

"Nyx please don't walk away." She cried out to him. Maya hated being put in this spot, so she dropped her head and walked past all the confused Glaives and to Drautos's office. She told him what she was doing then walked out.

She looked up and saw her brother glaring at her from across the room. Maya removed her coat and Glaive pendent placing them on a bench. Then she walked out of the training yard. Not looking at anyone. Her heart was breaking as she walked away from everything she had known. She went back home and was laying on the bed with Enyo when she felt Luche lift her chin. 

"Baby your freezing cold." He looked worried but she was drowning in her pain.

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