Moments; singular, siphoned, like grains of sand which fall restlessly, and build without limits...growing with increasing momentum, each step, beat, a steady staccato , marking down the minutes until the cold inevitability of the ...end ...death.
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Walker badass Romanoff loved me. He like, REALLY, REALLY loved me. As in true, all encompassing love. I wasn't sure what to do with the knowledge of said love, but I did know I felt lighter and less burdened than I had hours ago. Oh, don't get me wrong, my head was still spinning with all the revelations that had been dumped on me, and I still kinda felt like finding the nearest punching bag and hitting the shit outta it, but my soul...and my heart (if I were honest with myself) felt lighter. I wasn't at a place where I could utter the words back to him...not yet. But that wasn't to say I didn't feel things...deep things for Walker—and no, it wasn't all loathing and hatred. Crazy, psycho Walker held a part of me, a part, often, I didn't want to admit that he held—but hold it he did. Not to mention I could kiss him right now for transmuting some halfway decent clothing for me. Oh it wasn't perfect (something about Tir na nOg screwing with his magic a bit) but it was three hundred percent better than the Medieval shit Terrenel had put me in. I run my hands down the distressed jeans and smile. "Dare I hope that that smile is for me?" Walker strides into the room cocky and handsome as ever. I give him a sly smile. "It might be." I gesture to myself and my smile widens. "Thanks...thanks for this, by the way. I didn't thank you before. But, seriously, thank you so much." God. It felt so much better to be wearing comfortable, normal, at least Annora normal, clothing. "Think nothing of it, Annora my darling. I would have done so sooner except you were so bent on appeasing that Fairy douche king that I didn't want to disappoint or interrupt your negotiations." I snort. "Next time, feel free to interrupt all you want, Walker. Especially if it has to do with wardrobe issues." Walker laughs. "I'll keep that in mind, darling girl. Okay, now we have to go." "I'm sorry what? Go where?" "Fairy douche king sent me to" and he makes air quotes, "fetch you." My eyebrows raise. Excuse me. What? "I'm sorry, I thought you just said that asshole Oh Mighty Great One, King Terrenel sent you to fetch me." Walker looks amused. "That he did, that he did. Apparently there's a banquet being held in our...oh pardon me, YOUR honor. You are the main guest of honor and must attend said banquet." "A banquet," I frown, "In my honor." "Yup." "And you and Chamuel will be there?" "But of course. You just try to keep me away." I WAS starving. And my stomach takes that exact moment to rumble—loudly. I ignore Walker's laughter. I really didn't like the notion that Terrenel had sent Walker, like some errand boy, to fetch me. In fact, I detested it. "He couldn't just come and ask me to attend like some normal person," I mutter. Walker laughs harder at that. "Of course not, darling girl, did you miss the part where he's a self important, arrogant asshole, douchebag, overly entitled Fairy King?" "And yet, a few short hours ago you told me that I needed him. That I needed all of you." Walker shrugs. "Just because I think you need him doesn't mean I don't think he's an asshole full of douchbaggery." I look at Walker, my eyes go wide, and then we both burst out laughing. "Fine, fine," I say, once I've gotten myself under control. "I guess I'll let you fetch me for said asshole king full of douchbaggery. I mean, there's no point in starving while we're in this mess, is there." Walker holds out his hand to me and nods. "Exactly right, darling, exactly right."