Moments; singular, siphoned, like grains of sand which fall restlessly, and build without limits...growing with increasing momentum, each step, beat, a steady staccato , marking down the minutes until the cold inevitability of the ...end ...death.
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Another weird night, another trek into the unknown riding once again in some Medieval like carriage. I'd eaten at a breakneck pace and once I'd finished I'd practically been shoved into this carriage faster than a bride could say "I do." I was trying to gain my equilibrium and failing at it terribly. Oh I talked a big game, but at the end of the day I still had all sorts of reservations and 'hang-ups,' one of them being if I was equal to the task that was in front of me. "You are, amour." Chamuel takes my hand and rubs my palm. I immediately feel a little bit better. It's amazing the calming effect that his mere touch has on me. "That is because we are linked, bonded through spirit and soul, my beloved." "We haven't—" "—finalizing the link is important," Chamuel says, interrupting me, "...but it does not negate the fact that a link exists in the first place, my beloved. It is as I have said before...your soul was linked to mine from the minute you sparked within your mother's womb. A link such as the one we is bound to be strong and create intense feelings between us. Please do not feel alarm at this, amour. It is only a good thing. And can only be beneficial and helpful to us in the end." "That's why I feel, well, calmer when you touch me, Chamuel...because of the link?" Chamuel nods. "It is one of the reasons, my beloved. You are also a very strong empath. You are bound to be able to pick up my projections. And if I project calm and ease...then so shall you feel those things." I nod, that actually makes sense. And as much as it sometimes upset me to have Chamuel rooting around in my mind, I couldn't deny that it was nice feeling a sense of ease and calm and having him stroking me. What was I saying. It was so much better than merely nice. Nice was way to blasé a word for what I felt when his hands were upon me. "I am glad to know I am not the only one that feels this way," Chamuel murmurs and continues to rub circles on my palm. But now his other hand is on my leg and he's "petting" it. "It would devastate me to know I was alone in these feelings." And he begins to knead my leg. God! They were all determined to kill me with sexual frustration. Chamuel laughs a low throaty laugh. "You will not expire from it, my beloved. And delayed gratification is a good thing, or so I've heard." "Fuck that," I mutter. Delayed gratification my ass. "And it's a beautiful one at that," Chamuel says smiling. "I can't wait for the time where I get to touch and feel it rubbing against me." Oh my gah! His words were so not helping matters any. "I'm sorry, amour," Chamuel laughs a little harder, "I'm sorry. You are right. It probably wouldn't do to have you too worked up for this meeting we're attending." "Too late," I mutter. Chamuel pats my thigh and grins. "Now, now, my beloved. Again, as I said, you will not expire. You just need to think of things that are not sexual in nature." "You saying words like, 'sexual,' doesn't help me not think about sex, Chamuel," I snipe back, catching the eye of Terrenel who looks way too interested in our conversation right now. "What?" I ask him grumpily (so sue me, I'm sexually frustrated) my mood is fast going to shit. "See something you like?" My voice is hard and snotty, "You're staring awfully hard." Terrenel clears his throat. "I do indeed, I do indeed see something I like." He leans forward, moving into my space. "You're magnificent, milis. So stunning you take my breath away, mo bhanrigh ghaisgeach bhreagha." I look to Chamuel then and he says, "His beautiful warrior queen." "Again with the queen shit." "It's not shit, milis, it is fact," Terrenel counters. "Now see, that's where you're losing me." My voice is still snotty, "...I know nothing of the sort. Facts are facts, like the sun rising and setting. Like Earth is round, and I live on a planet with one moon and one sun. Facts, ya know. You and I...and all this crap about me being a queen, those are definitely NOT facts in my book." "Then you need to get another book," Terrenel says smiling. It was like talking to a tree. I roll my eyes. "I think I'll keep the one I have, thank you very much. It has served me well so far." "Clearly not, if you're questioning whether or not we're meant to be, milis." talking to a tree. "No," Chamuel says dryly. "Talking to a tree would probably be easier." I let out a bark of laughter in response to that. "You're right, it totally would be easier. Okay, Terrenel, we're gonna have to shelve this conversation, because we're going round in circles and it's getting us nowhere." I can see he wants to say something, but I don't give him the chance. "I mean it, I'm done talking about this right now. Talking to you is giving me a freaking headache, and since we've slowed down significantly, is it safe to assume we've pretty much reached our destination?" Terrenel sighs deeply. "Unfortunately, you are correct. I do believe we have come to our stopping point." He sits up straight and squares his shoulders. The playful smile half smirk that had been on his face moments earlier has completely been wiped out and now he looks cold stone hard, angry even. "Wow," I breathe. "You're looking pretty intimidating right now, I must admit." Seriously, his face was a contrast of emotions—all of them dark and hard though. It was definitely intimidating, but somehow really, really hot too. He was all sexy badassery (If I were totally honest with myself). "Behave my amour," Chamuel murmurs. "Remember, non sexual thoughts." I groan. "Then don't say sexual, Chamuel. It only gets me thinking about it more." "No, you must, what did you say to Terrenel a minute ago, 'shelve it.' Amour, we're about to enter a very dark and dangerous place. We all must be on our guard. We cannot afford distractions." I cock my head to the side. "You calling me a distraction, Chamuel?" Chamuel smiles slightly, "Absolutely, of the best kind, my amour. But now is, to echo your own words, not the time." And the smile slides off of his face. "I do not believe you understand just how..." "Aite fearg agus tobhta." Terrenel says, voice cold. "Quite so," Chamuel replies, "Quite so." "English for us mere plebeians please," I snipe. "Terrenel said, a place of wrath and ruin. That is what the Dark Court is, my beloved. And the Dark Fae King oversees it all. You must be very careful, very cautious, my beloved. And I know it goes against your nature, but you must mind your tongue." Hey! "Listen, I can be diplomatic when I want to be," and I ignore Walker's snort, "...honestly, I can." I look first to Chamuel, then to Walker and last to the great high and mighty Terrenel and add, "I mean...just how bad can it be?"