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          Once we reached the hospital, Will practically ran after finding out what room Nico was in, getting a lot of surprised yelps and "hey!"s from nurses and patients as he passed. I was a bit surprised since he doesn't usually act like this, but I decided to just shrug it off and follow with Mr. Aizawa and the detective. We've got other things to worry about anyway, I think as I round a corner.

          "So how did you boys end up in that alleyway? Some of the citizens at the scene said you three seemed to just appear out of nowhere," Detective Tsukauchi inquires, looking at me inquisitively.

          they're not entirely wrong. "We're not really sure how we got there ourselves, " I answer evasively.

         "Hmm,"  he raises an eyebrow, but says nothing more. As we come up to the door of Nico's room, I can already hear them bantering again and smile. Sounds like Nico's woken up. That's good. I open the door to see Will fussing over Nico and checking for his injuries while Nico tries to push him off, saying he's fine. I walk over and sit on a chair next to the bed. 

        "I told you I'm fine."

        "No you're not. You're phasing out again. I told you not to use your powers until I said you could."

        "I saved your butts, you could at least be a little grateful."  

        "Guys," I interjected. They stopped arguing and looked at me. I tilted my head in the direction of the detective and Mr. Aizawa. Will took a step back and Nico looked at them skeptically. Detective Tsukauchi grabs a chair and sits down while Mr. Aizawa leans against the wall with a semi-bored look on his face.  A few minutes later, an old lady came in the room and began examining us. She then gave each of us a kiss on our injuries that left us feeling strangely exhausted. 

        "Your injuries were fairly minor so you'll all be fine after some rest." she says as she stands up to leave. "You there in the skull shirt should get the most rest." She looks pointedly at Nico.

        "I'll make sure he does ma'am, "Will reassures. Nico pouts. "Hmph.." 

        "Thanks Recovery Girl, " The detective says as she exits the room. She nods and then closes the door, leaving us alone with the detective and Mr. Aizawa. Detective Tsukauchi turns to face us.

        "Alright boys, let's start with introductions. What are your names and ages?" Detective Tsukauchi asks.

        "I'm Will, I'm 15, " Will starts, sitting on the bed next to Nico. " And this is Nico, my boyfriend. He's 14." Nico goes pink and punches him in the arm. Will laughs.

        "I'm Percy. I'm 17." I say as the others start going back and forth again.

         Detective Tsukauchi nods. "Alright, good. Can you tell me what your quirks are?" Will and Nico stop their tease war and look at me, their looks of confusion mirroring how I feel. Quirks? What was he taking about?

         "Uhh, sir? what do you mean by quirks?" I ask, confused. He looks at Mr. Aizawa then back at us. "You don't know what quirks are?"

         "Obviously not," Nico mutters. The detective frowns. "Okay, do any of you have any special abilities? like telekinesis or the ability to control an element?"

         "I can control water.." I say uncertainly.

         "Ok, good" 

         "I can control the dead and darkness" Nico states plainly. The detective looks at him inquisitively, but says nothing. Instead he looks at Will expectantly. 

         "Uhh, I can heal injuries by singing a hymn in Ancient Greek..."

         "... Alright, good. Moving on, I was wondering if the orange shirts and bead necklaces meant anything?"

         "Oh.., they represent this camp we all go to," I answer evasively. He raises an eyebrow and looks at us thoughtfully. I decide to take this chance to ask a question of my own. "Could you tell us where we are Detective? We're not from around here and are kinda lost" Nico snorts. "That's an understatement," he mutters. Will shushes him. 

         "You're in Musutafu City," Mr. Aizawa quips from his spot against the wall. We just stare at him blankly. "In Japan?" He elaborates. I look at Will and see him visibly trying to hide his shock. Nico just frowned. I rub the back of my head, feeling more and more confused. If we're in Japan, how are we able to understand them? I'm pretty sure none of us speak Japanese. This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder...

         "Do you boys have any way to contact your parents? like a phone number?" Detective Tsukauchi asks. I frown looking at the others. "I've got a hunch any phone numbers we might have aren't gonna work here. Same goes for Iris messaging." I say, speaking in Ancient Greek. Will nods. "Yeah, me too." The two men look at us, confused. "No we don't don't have any contact info for our parents," I answer finally.  

         "Ok..., well we'll have to put you guys with a temporary guardian till your parents can be found. We'll take some DNA samples from you three and see if we can find them that way, but until then you'll be placed under the care of a pro hero and enrolled in school."

         "School? Whatever for? And while we're at it, what are pro heroes?" Nico asks, annoyance plain on his face."

         "Uh... sigh, pro heroes are people who have been trained to use their quirks to protect others. Also, just because you're not from around here doesn't mean you can skimp out on your education. As long as you're under our care, you'll go to school." 

         "Hmph," Nico grumbles. The detective had us each cut a small piece off of one of our fingernails and put them in separate zip-lock bags before exiting the room.

         "you three will stay here for the night while we work out who your temporary guardian is going to be. If you need anything, just ask one of the nurses." Aizawa says, standing up. He then turns and exits the room, leaving the three of us alone.  We sit in stunned silence as we take in all that has just happened. What in the name of Olympus have we gotten ourselves into?....

Edited August 27, 2020 

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