Sports Festival Part 3

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Percy's P.O.V.

After our break, the next event was announced to be a 1 v 1 tournament. Me , Will, and Nico went up to the bleachers with most of the others while the first two face-off pairs stayed behind. We had just settled into our seats when Izuku and his opponent were announced and called up onto the arena. We watch as the match was signaled to start and Izuku's opponent starting talking. Izuku replied in protest to something the purple-haired boy said and immediately froze, his eyes appearing to go blank. I turn towards Will and Nico, wondering if they had an idea as to what just happened.

"Did you see that? It's like Izuku went, like, blank after he replied to whatever that other boy said." I say.

Nico nods, a thoughtful look upon his face. 

"Could be some sort of mind-control quirk," he suggests, eyeing the boy who was saying something to the frozen Izuku.

 Sure enough, Present Mic and Aizawa start talking about the boy, Hitoshi Shinso's, history and quirk, which was in fact a kind of mind-control quirk as Nico had guessed.  We watch as Hitoshi appears to order Izuku to walk out of the ring and he obeys, turning around and slowly drawing closer to the edge. Come on Izuku, fight it!

At the last second, Izuku manages to pull himself out of the mind-control trance and turns around, ignoring Hitoshi's attempt to get him to speak again. He charges the boy, pushing him towards the edge of the ring. The two engage in a brief fist fight until Izuku grabs Hitoshi's arm and flips him over his shoulder, slamming the boy onto the ground with his feet sticking out over the arena boundary line. Present Mic declares Izuku the winner and Hitoshi stands up, says a few  words to Izuku, and walks off towards the field entrance. Izuku is lead to the nurse station and the next pair is called out to the field. Shoto and Mina face off and begin their battle. Shoto fires his ice at Mina while she dodges his attacks, skating around the arena using her acid. Shoto manages to keep her away from him and eventually creates a thick wall of ice that pushes her out of the ring, ending the match. The next pair is announced to be Tenya vs. someone named Mei Hatsumi and I say goodbye to the others, making my way to the waiting room for my match, which would take place after the one currently about to start. I make a quick stop at the registration booth so that I can get my sword and shield authorized for use in the tournament and then head to my designated waiting room, pacing back and forth as I wait for my name to be called. Considering I'm going up against Denki, using my powers probably isn't the best idea. I'll have to use my battle skills to win this one.

After what seemed like an eternity thanks to my ADHD, my name was finally called and I make my way to the field, my sword thumping against my leg as I walk. I emerge out into the sunlight and climb the short steps up to the arena platform. Denki grins at me from the other side of the platform. As soon as the signal to start went off I unholster my sword and charge Denki. He releases a shockwave and I activate my shield, the celestial bronze and soft leather blocking the electrical charge. I expertly maneuver behind him and slam the pommel of my sword into his head, quickly deactivating my shield and catching the now unconscious boy, gently setting him down on the ground. The crowd breaks out into roaring cheers as I help the on-site paramedics lift him onto a stretcher and exit the field, making my way back to the bleachers where my friends awaited. I arrive in time to see Tokoyami force Momo out of the ring and take a seat next to Tenya and Ochaco as the next match is announced. Nico vs. Hanta Sero. I wonder how Nico plans to beat Hanta.

"Your match was so amazing Percy! How does that shield of your work?" Ochaco asks excitedly. Tenya nods. "You were indeed very efficient in your movements. Well done."

I chuckle. "Thanks. I'm not entirely sure myself how the mechanics of the shield work Ochaco. My little brother was the one who made it for me," I explain, reminiscing fondly of Tyson. She nods and we all look out at the field where Nico and Hanta were facing off, waiting for the starting signal. As soon as the horn blares, Hanta shoots his tape at Nico, who slices it into pieces with his sword as he advances on the other boy. As ordered by Will, Nico doesn't use his powers for this round, relying solely on his sword and maneuvering skills. Hanta almost manages to trap him at one point, but Nico cuts through the tape wrapping his leg just barely before Hanta can drag his leg out from under him and cause him to fall over the boundary line. The two go back and forth for another minute before Nico finally manages to slip past Hanta's defenses and sends him skidding over the boundary line with a well-placed roundhouse kick. Nico walks off the platform and makes his way up to the bleachers. He unfortunately misses the entirety of the next match, which happened to be Will's, on account of the fact that Will just waited for Aoyama to tire out before firing an explosive arrow at Aoyama's feet that sent him flying over the boundary line. Well that was rather anti-climatic. Nonetheless the crowd cheered for Will's victory. Nico finally finds us and plops down in the seat in front of mine. 

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