A Train Ride

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Character description: Amy has pitch black hair, just like her father, that reaches just abover her shoulders. She is short and small in stature. Although she is uncharacteristically kind for having been born into a family of Slytherins, she does sometime have a mean side, that can come out if someone messes with the people or things she cares for.

Amy was sitting on the Hogwarts train, in a car by herself, when suddenly the doors opened, revealing two boys. One boy had ginger hair, and worn down robes, he looked almost like a man I'd met when I went to the ministry with my father. I wondered if this boy was a part of the Weasley family, his hair seemed to fit the part. The other boy was average looking, with brown hair, and looking of no relation to the first boy.

"Excuse me, but do you mind if we sit with you? The other cars are full." Asked the ginger haired boy.

"N-No, please, sit." I said, moving over so the boys could come into the car.

"I'm Ronald Weasley. And this is Harry Potter" The ginger said, sticking his hand out for me to shake.

I shook his hand, before going to shake the other boy's hand.

"Harry Potter??" " I questioned, amazed that it was really him.

"Uhm, does everyone know about me?" Harry asked.

"Of course!" Ron exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, my father was friends with your mother when they were at Hogwarts together." I said, making Harry look at me with wide eyes.

I then realized, that I hadn't yet introduced myself.

"I-I'm Amy.... Amy Snape" I said warily. I worried about the reaction I would get, as I am the daughter of Professor Snape.

"What?! Snape? As in, Professor Snape?" Ron asked me.

I just nodded my head.

"Bloody hell, but you seem so nice. All of my older brothers say that Snape is nothing but a cold blooded-" Ron said before Harry cut him off.

"Ron" Harry scolded him, not wanting to be rude.

Suddenly, the trolley stopped in front of the door. The lady pushing it asked if we wanted anything.

Harry purchased a bunch of snacks, while I just bought some pumpkin juice, as I wasn't too hungry.

Before I could walk back into the car, I felt a hand grip my wrist, preventing me from leaving.

"Well, if it isn't little Snape." Said a boy's voice. And I knew exactly who the voice belonged to.

I turned around, seeing the same blond haired boy that I would see everytime my father and I would visit Lucius Malfoy. The same boy that  had practically grown up with.

"D-Draco..." I stuttered. As I had always been slightly intimidated by him, even though we grew up together. It also didn't help that I had a small crush on him.

"Amy." He started.

"My father has told me that we should be friends. So come sit in my car with my friends and I." He told me.

"B-But..." I was about to protest before he cut me off.

"We are in the last car, grab your bags and come down," Draco said before he turned to leave.

I sighed, knowing that my father and Draco's father would want us to be friends anyways, so I decided to go along with it.

'Draco had never really called me a 'Friend' until now.' I thought to myself, smiling slightly.

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