sorry I got a concussion + edit august 17

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sorry I cant edit rn guys I fell down the stairs

basically, I can't look at screens right now bc it hurts my head


edit august 11th-

hi i promise i'll update soon i got another concussion bc I'm stupid as hell so i couldn't do anything and yeah I'm back i will try to update sometime before friday at 5pm us central time

okay edit august 17th i'm a dumbass and i got bored and oh I'm not really into ruel anymore (it's harry again but i still listen to ruel's music dw).  I'm gonna finish the story anyway bc i'm bored so yeah i promise i will actually update soon (which with me means sometime in the next millennia so just watch ur notifications bc i will post an announcement to my followers)

down for you- ruel vandijk *NOT COMPLETED- i gave up for now*Where stories live. Discover now