Chapter Twenty Six

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~Cassandra's POV~

My mom walks into the kitchen just as I grab my car keys to take El to school with me.

"Hey, mom. How'd you sleep? I made breakfast for you," I tell her with a big smile. Please, please give me my phone back.

She nods. "Anything to say about yesterday?"

I feel bad, since it wasn't her fault, but it's easier to blame it on her than anything else. "Sorry," I mutter.

"I know you miss him, but you can't just push the rest of us away. I didn't want to take your phone away or ground you for tonight and tomorrow, but you need to learn that, honey."

I nod, looking at my watch. I'm going to be late. "I know. I love you, but I have to go now. See you after school!" I drag Ellie out of there as fast as I can without saying something else that won't help my case.


"Girl, you have to come to the party at Evan's house tonight." Charlie begs me as we walk to English, and I roll my eyes.

"You seem to have forgotten I'm grounded."

"I know, but.. you could sneak out?"

I look at her pointedly. "Char, I'm trying to convince my mom to let me finish the tour, and you want me to sneak out?"

Isabelle walks across the hallway from her locker to join us. "Char's not wrong though. I mean, come on, when's the last time you've even been to a party here?"

She's not wrong. If I'm being honest with myself, I do really want to go, but I don't want Mom to be mad at me.

Charlotte rolls her eyes. "Oh, come on already, just get Ellie to cover for you or something. You know she'll do it."

I sigh as we walk into class. "So, hypothetically, how would we do this?"

They both smugly look at each other.

"Here's the plan..."


~Ruel's POV~

"She's really done a number on you, huh?" Coco asks, smirking.

I shove her shoulder. "Shut up, Coco, but yeah, I miss her." 

I can feel myself blushing, and without even looking at my sister I can tell she's grinning.

"Just call her already. You don't have to be at the venue until five and we're not doing anything, so call her and play Fifa or something."

I do miss her, even though it hasn't been that long. I nod and turn to head back in the direction of my hotel room. 

"Thanks Coco, you're the best sister ever!" she calls out after me and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up, Coco!"


~Cassandra's POV~

"Char, so you're coming to pick me up at nine, right?" I ask her, and she nods.

"You better not tell your mom it was our idea if you get caught, though. I like being her favorite friend." she says, grinning.

Charlotte looks taken aback. "No way, I'm clearly her favorite."



"Would both of y'all shut up? She likes Ruel best now, anyway. Can we go over the plan, though? I've got to drive El home, and Mom will definitely kill me if I'm late."

"Cass, I'm right here," Ellie butts in. "So what's the plan?"

"Well, if you guys would stop interrupting me, maybe we could go over it."

They all roll their eyes at me. 

"So, moving on, Char's picking me up at 9, and Ellie, you're telling mom we're having a girls night, right?"

She looks at me. "I love you, and you're generally pretty smart, but so far, that's a dumb plan. We haven't done that in at least a few years."

I smile. "Well, maybe we could have if you weren't sneaking guys in all the time."

She flips me off. "Why don't you just act sad and shit about missing Ruel and then I can comfort you for a while in my room? As long as you're back by like one I can just say you want space or something."

"And shit? Thanks so much, El," I sigh. "I mean, it's not a great plan, but Mom's really good at figuring out when we lie, so you better just do this well. I think if I sneak out your window it should be fine."

She nods. "Now can we hurry up? I'm supposed to work on a Chem project at 8 with some other people, and I've still got soccer and other stuff."


i'm back

also I'm gonna try to write like 15 chapters and be done w this bc i wanna write a harry fic next so yeah

remember to v+c if you liked this chapter! 

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