Death P.A.C.T 1

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Liy added Black Hole, Tree, Remote, Pie, Pillow, Bottle, and Pen to Death P.A.C.T

Liy, Tree, Pie, and Pen are online

Pen: what is this and why am I here

Liy: It's Death Prevention And Creating Trust!

Pie: last time I checked you are responsible for the countless murders of innocent people

Liy: I want to learn from you

Liy: how do you hold back the temptation

Pie: ...

Tree: ..

Pen: but why am I here, I've never tried to prevent death or create trust

Liy: oh I accidentally added u, I didn't mean to lol

Tree: keep him

Pie: don't kick him off

Pen: I know this chat is to prevent death and create trust but I still feel like Tree is going to stab me

Tree: ..why?

Remote and Bottle are online

Remote: owo what's this

Liy: the name says it all

Bottle: I can't wait to start preventing death!

Bottle: and Balloony is dead!

Pie: wait what

Bottle: Gelatin was throwing forks and one popped Balloony

Pillow is online

Pillow: lol

Liy: Pillow you are here to learn from the masters of preventing death as well

Pillow: lol

Pen: Pillow are you ok

Pillow: lol

Pen: Pillow are you ok

Pen: Pillow are you ok

Pillow is offline

Tree: I don't think Pillow is ok

Pie: yeeaaaaah..

Remote: I can go check on her if ya want

Pie: please do

Remote is offline

Pen: I gtg

Tree: why

Pen is offline

Tree: ok then

Pie: should we go recover Balloony

Liy: yeah

Everyone is offline


Woah ok first of all I'm really bad at ending these chapters but I promise I'll try to get better at it! Also a quick thing to note is that Four and X exist in this story, but they won't be in any group chats (unless I change my mind). They will be mentioned and do exist in this universe though. This story takes place in a modern world where the characters attend school and live lives kind of like you and I. (Snnsjsndnksj that rhymes please kill me) Also if anyone has suggestions for a chapter let me know! Just make sure it follows the rules in the description of this book (example: no smut) or else I won't consider adding it. I hope everyone has a great day/night!

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