Chapter 5

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* same outfit as last chapter and that picture with Freya and Hope. I couldn't find the perfect one with all of them*

Getting to the front doors of the school, Adaline pushed them open just in time to hear the voices of her two basically nieces introducing themselves

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Getting to the front doors of the school, Adaline pushed them open just in time to hear the voices of her two basically nieces introducing themselves. Since both the girls were aware of what the family did to all their loved ones and expecially their aunt, their voices came off a little more passive- aggressive then intended, more so Lizzie.

"Welcome to the Salvatore School. Where your tour-guides."

" I'm Jossie"

"I'm Lizzie. We're sisters."


"Fraternal, obvs." Lizzie said smiling teasingly at her twin.

Just as their father went to say hello everyone heard the school doors open and turned.

While the twins took off toward their aunt and tackled her in a hug, the Mikealson's where in shock, expecially Klaus, they where all just frozen.

"Girls." Adaline said to get the girls to stop rambling about their party and the pageant. " We have a tour to do." She continued with a fond smile that could make anyone melt, and it did atleast to one person even after so many years.

"Okay." The twins said as the three made their way to the group.

"Hi! You must be Hope. I'm Adaline Gilbert, the other headmaster." She said with a beautiful, genuine smile on her face and no matter how much she hated that the family was here she wasn't going to be rude for anything they did, it wasn't who she was.

"Hi! Yeah, I am. It's nice to meet you!" Hope replied with a big smile on her face, she recognized the woman in front of her from most of her father's paintings and was in awe of finally meeting her in person.

"Oh ah, you both know most of us but uh.... This is my aunt Freya, her wife Keelin, and my aunt Rebekah's husband Marcel." Hope continued introducing the unknown people standing with the family.

" Well it's nice to meet you all, why don't we get on with the tour." Alaric said with a strained smile gesturing the family to the door.

As the group walked through the doors of the school, Adaline felt eyes on her and she didn't even make a move to look back. She had moved on from that part of her life, she didn't need Klaus, Elijah, or Rebekah. They had all left her; Klaus for her sister who was now hanging off Elijah's arm and semi-glaring at her for having everyone's attention; Elijah to stay attached to his brother at-the-hip and search for his "redemption" as he always put it; and Rebekah who she treated and who treated her as a sister, the closest thing Rebekah ever had to a sister or friend was Adaline and she just left and never even called the girl or checked to see how she was doing. They all hurt her, except one person, the man she loved, the father of her son, her future husband, the man that never left her side for anyone.

Just the thought of him brought a smile to Adaline's face, knowing he was on his way for the three to have some time as a family. She couldn't wait to get this tour over and done with.

Stepping in to the school, The Mikealson's look around in partial awe. For the last thousand or so years they had been alive, the three supernatural species didn't perticullarly get along; but here everyone did, all thanks to someone they thought of as family.

" This way. So we made the Salvatore School as a way to ensure that Ric and Caroline's daughter's, obviously Lizzie and Josie, and my son would have a safe space to grow up, learn about their abilities, and be normal. Atleast as normal as supernatural kids can be." Adaline said leading them through the lounge area and the cafeteria. When she said those words those three Mikealson's and Hayley's hearts stopped but one of those shattered a bit.

"Your son?"


"That's impossible!"

Rebekah, Elijah, and Hayley all said while Klaus just stood there in shock; but the last voice continued.

" You can't have kids Adaline. Your a vampire." Hayley said from beside Elijah in a condescending tone.

" Actually Hayley, I was born a werewolf as you very well know and now I'm a hybrid." Adaline glanced at Hayley with a polite smile trying to stop an eye roll.

Leaving the conversation at that, the tour continued with Adaline greeting all the passing students; while Ric, Lizzie and Josie explained more about the school.

Getting to the end Adaline took over leading everyone into the library.

" Welcome to the Salvatore Brothers Historical Library. Named after the original owners of the house, Stefan and Damon Salvatore. Stefan who is currently traveling the world with his wife Caroline Salvatore nee Forbes; And Damon who lives with his wife, Elena, and daughter Stephanie in town." Adaline explained while opening the doors to a broad room filled with shelves from floor to seeling overflowing with books.

"Who are all coming to town this weekend!" Josie said with a huge smile on her face. Clearly excited to see her mother, step father, and extended family.

" For our birthday party and the Miss Mystic Falls pagent that we are both in, that the schools hosting this year." Lizzie continued with a large proud smile on her face. After finding out her mother and aunt won she had been in love with the idea of winning. Josie soon found out and they both made a packed-they would both help eachother and no matter who won, they would support one another, no matter what. It was the same pact Caroline and Adaline made when they did it their year.

"Well on that note, why don't we go back to my office and discuss all of Hope's paperwork?" Adaline offered, seeing Hayley about to make a comment she knew deep down would piss off and/or hurt the girls deeply. But without missing a beat she continued, directing it straight at Hope. "If you still want to come here?"

" This school is amazing. I would love to." Hope said with a big smile spread across her face.

" Well then follow me." Alaric said walking through the doors of the room heading strait for Adaline's office with everyone trailing behind him.

Once getting there, Adaline was the one to open the doors and once everyone had pretty much stepped inside, the desk chair spun around to reveal someone the family had never thought they would see again.

"Hello, my love, ready for lunch?" Kol said sitting on the chair, cocky smirk plastered across his face, and Peter sitting on the widow bench with an expression matching his father's.

~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~

This took literally forever and for that I am so sorry. I recently started high school and with everything that this quarentine put my mental health through, it has not been fun.


Question: Who should win Miss Mystic? Lizzie, Josie, or both?

I wonder how the Mikealson's will react to seeing Kol? With a son? Engaged to Ady?

Anything specific you guys want to see with any of that or this book? Just comment or PM me and I'll try and make it happen.

Everyone remember stay safe, stay inside, wash your hands.

           Thanks for reading!!!😊

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