22 : Riley - Sometimes You Don't See Someone Until They Dance With You

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"Cory, what is wrong with you today?" Riley heard her mother exclaim from downstairs. She sighed, and thumped her head on her desk.

This was the 3rd time her parents had fought this week.

And it wasn't even Friday yet.

"Riley?" She heard faintly. She heard a knock at her window, and turned her head to see Farkle outside her window. She rushed over and opened the window, letting the bright sun wash over her. She backed up, and let Farkle in. He shut the window with a clang.

"Hey Farkle! What are you doing here?" She asked, a bit nervous, her heart rate already starting to accelerate.

"I just left my math book here, so I needed-" He started to explain, but got interrupted by the raised voice of her father. "Um...are they okay down there?" He asked, cocking his head a bit.

"Yeah." She sighed. "They're just fighting. About what...I have no idea."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Want to talk about it?"

Riley felt her heart melt a bit at his words. "No, it's okay. I'm fine. You can get your book, here." She looked around the room, and walked over to her nightstand. She saw a math book, and picked it up, the heavy object causing her arms to droop. She walked over to Farkle and delicately held out the book. "Here."

He took it, and his eyes widened as Topanga and Cory's voices got even louder. Riley heard them, and sighed. She toyed with the black choker around her neck that Maya had gotten her for her birthday, a nervous habit. Farkle noticed the action, and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Come on." Riley heard him say. Riley watched as he put the book down on her white covers, and straightened up. Farkle took Riley's hand, and her heart started beating even harder.

"Farkle? What are you-"

"Taking you outside. Come on." Farkle pulled Riley to the bay window, earning a little squeak from Riley. He smirked, and opened the window. He climbed out, Riley following his lead, confused.

He led her to a covered bench on the sidewalk, in front of a sea of trees. He sat down, and she sat down beside him.

She heard the cars honking, the various people walking on the streets, and the wind wipping through the air. She saw the blue sky, the grey, rectangular shaped skyscrapers that she always imagined reaching their tips towards the sky, and the colors, shapes and sizes of the impatient filled people on the sidewalks. Finally, she felt the New York wind on her face, and the cold chill that always seemed to hang around this part of town.

Riley closed her eyes and listened. She tapped a beat on the bench, letting the sounds of the city guide her taps. It sounded like music to her ears, and she felt a wave of relief wash over her.

She absolutely adored the city, no matter how long she lived in it.

"You okay Riley?" Farkle asked to her right. She opened her eyes, and saw a smile on his face. She surrendered a smile back.

"Yeah, I'm good now. Thank for this Farkle." She said to Farkle, smiling wide.

"Of course Riley. Just wanted to make you feel better, and I know how much you love all of this." He motioned to the loud and musical city, and Riley's heart warmed.

He always knew how to make her feel better, without even trying.

But as Riley leaned over to tell him that, she quickly got interrupted by a street performer next to her. She was so focused on Farkle that she didn't realize the street performer come by.

Riley looked at the performer. He had pale skin, black hair, and had a Chinese looked about him. He had a girl next to him, who looked a lot like him. Probably his sister, Riley thought.

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