Nothing to do

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Ok so its now lunch time after what felt like 7000 hours in class. I went and got my lunch just a sandwich water and an apple cause i'm not that hungry today for some reason i didnt even eat breakfast this morning sense i was late... Eh whatever anyway after i got my food i went and sat down beside Pinkie.

"Hey girls" i said "heys and hi's" they all responded with "Does anyone know why Rarity isnt here today?, its not like her to be off school" Fluttershy asked "Maybe she got the cold? im not sure but it would make sense since we where outside in the cold for a few hours late at night or she just took the day off cause she was tired" Pinkie replied to fluttershy question "The cold would make more sense Pinkie she wouldnt take a day off cause shes tired we all know how shes like" i calmly said taking a bite of my sandwiches "Anyway moving on from sick Rarity, what are yous doing tonight?" Pinkie asked "Well me and sunset have a Science project about the solar system and how it really works. We will be doing it at my house thats our plans i guess" Twilight said "Wow boring" i said calmly and Twilight looked at me and narrowing her eyebrows "Anyone else got something planned?" Shy asked "Eh nothin' much i guess homework and work at the farm some old same old" Aj said looking really bored "what about you dash?" Aj asked me "Nothing at all" i answered "Wow thats going to be booriiinngggg" Pinkie sang "Well im going to hmmm make a HOLE bunch of cupcakes and listen to really fun party dance music when doing so. Im gonna make one for EVERYONE in this school made spesifically for them" Pinkie said "Wow thats ALOT ALOT of cupcakes" I said only thinking if she will be able to do it or not but knowing her she will i mean she is Pinkie Pie after all. "Nah not really, and Fluttershy what are you doung tonight?" "Oh um nothing only homework and cleaning i guess thats it really what i do almost everyother night" She smiled "Wow you people are boring" Pinkie said looking really bored with all of our answers, i mean its not a surprise getting a look like that from her cause she has alot to do like bake cook paint draw and other things...... Eh i dont care


Ok i am soooo bored right now i even done my homework and there is nothing intresting to do. I can't talk to Scootaloo shes out with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, i cant talk to Thunber Dash or Lightning Dash (They are her older Brother and sister (they are twins) thunders the boy and lightnings a girl) cause they have gone out somewhere and im left in the house with NOBODY to talk to or annoy.... i. am. so. boredd.
Maybe i could watch a horror movie.... Yeah imma go to the living room and watch i dont know yet lets go check...

Few minutes later after finding a movie

I have desided to watch The Ring you know the one with that strange girl that lives in a well inside your TV with that tape thing? Yeah that one....

After The Movie

Well that was 'fun'............    not.
I have watched that movie atleast 17 times i can tell you the hole movie if i wanted to hmmm what should i do now....
"Rainboooow! I am hooommmee" Scootaloo yelled "Oh hey Dash didnt know you where in here.... Why do you look so... Bored? or Tired? which one are ya feeling?" she asked "A bit of both but mostly bordom please help what should we do?" i asked in a complaining tone of voice "i dont know about you but im going to sleep i think you should do the same its almost 10" She then went upstairs after saying goodnight 'Really 10pm who do you think i am Fluttershy? nope i don't go to sleep so early i find it really hard to sleep early at night i sleep at 2 or something in the morning.... im still bored... maybe i could call Aj she is usually still awake at this time let me see'


RD - Hey you awake?

AJ - Yeah dash what is it?

RD - Um do u wanna come over or are you going to sleep?

AJ - I was about to go to sleep sense i was bored but uhhh yeah sure ill be there in 10

RD - Ok and if u want u could stay the night?

AJ - Alright i will pack my things and then head over ill be there in a bit bye

RD - Ok see ya

Thats all for this part ill make the next part longer cause i feel like this one was just a little to short so yeah till next time ill see ya's

Oh and if you would like you could check out my You Tube Channle its called XxGaChA_PaStAxX on my channle i upload tributes of creepypasta and im planning on adding more gacha videos in the future i am currently making this series called 'I Fell For The Alpha' its kinda cringy but its alright for my first video ever and could you please Subscribe i mean if you want to that is. Thank You

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