Chapter 1: Prolouge Part 1

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(Third Person POV)

We see a young man that just got out of school walking down the street going to his new little house that his father got him since he had a fight with there parents which got him kicked out of the house.  Truth be told that him and his parents never got along since Aiden is always brining back drama about getting bullied but he's to weak to do anything about it so his parents kicked him out because of all the drama that he brings home. On the way there he sees a group of young monster girls getting picked on at the park, He's not very surprised to see his own bully's from school doing this, He quickly runs over to the park to see if he can at least distract them so the girls can get away.

???:Hey! Leave them alone Fat boy!

They all quickly turn around to see who said that and they see you.

Bully1: Oh look, Its are little Piggy bank!

Bully2:I wonder if he has some money with him?

Bully3:Hm maybe we should find out?

As they walk up to you, you give the girls a quick wink and a hand wave to get out of there, They Nod as they quickly ran away as the bully's noticed this.

Bully1: Aiden you Little fucking rat ill beat your ass for distracting us!

Bully2&3: Yeah!

You were gonna run off but during the process you trip on the crack of the path and fall on your face, You slightly tear up as your nose is in pain and bleeding. You try to get up but fail as the bully's start beating you down and calling you names. When one of the bully's was gonna stomp on your head, you hear a Adult woman scream at them.

???:Hey! What the hell are you 3 doing!

The 3 bully's Quickly run off not before spitting on you. The Adult Woman quickly runs up to you to give you some medical help, you let her help you up as she checks for anything major.

???: Oh thank god its just a broken noise and some bruises...

All the girls you saved from the bullying quickly run up to while one has a med kit on her, she quickly hands it to ??? and ??? started to treat you.

Aiden: A-Ah thank you M-Miss...?

???: Ah, My names is Ms. Smith, I work as a Coordinator for the Cultural Exchange bill.

 Smith, I work as a Coordinator for the Cultural Exchange bill

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Aiden: Th-that sounds like a fun job to ha-have Ms. Smith...

Ms. Smith: Can be stressful at times but it really is a good job and Aiden...Thank you for saving them, They also want to say thank you...Right girls?

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