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Yozora's POV

I walked out of my room, fixing my outfit for another day at work. I then see Akutagawa walk up to me.

"Do you mind if I walk with you there?" He asks, looking at me with a very small smile. Almost unnoticeable from far away. I nodded, and held out my hand to him

He looked at it a bit hesitant, but he soon softly grabbed my hand and we both walked to the cafe in peaceful silence. Some people in the hallways would stare at us in awe. Shocked on seeing Akutagawa hold a girl's hand to the hangout area. His fingers would caress my palm. I felt a little blush on my face as we finally entered the area. I went behind the counter and started making his everyday tea.

I made a special little recipe for his tea that only I know how to make. Making it even more of a sweet tea connection.

As I brewed the leaves and placed the final touches, I put a small red flower beside the tea plate and finally served it to Aku. I placed a small peck on his forehead, making his face red again as I try not to laugh out loud.

"I'm gonna be really busy for the week, you may not see me as much" he says quietly, as if he was sad he wasn't gonna see me for days. I smiled and ruffled his hair. Telling him it was okay, I'll always be here doing my own job anyway

Akutagawa's POV

I slowly sipped the tea and looked at her figure. Only to find she had put the rose I gave her tied to the small tied part in the center of her hair. My face suddenly got really warm again. She looks at me, smiling at my reaction

"finally noticed it huh?" she says as she combs her hair with her hand "one of the best gifts that had ever been given to me really" 

She then takes a seat beside me, I felt her arm grab mine. And she rest her head on my shoulder. I tried not to flinch as I slowly hugged her waist. We stayed like that for minutes. I looked at the time and saw that I need to get to work. I patted her head and hugged her tight. Telling her I need to go.

She waves goodbye to me as I went out the cafe. I really wanted to hug her more. The scent of her hair was refreshing. Her body pressed onto mine felt like an absolute dream. 

But of course, I need to focus on my work first. I had a deal with the boss that I wouldn't fail at this task. He gave me special permission to be her lover, only if I had successfully done all my missions each day.

I found out Higuchi had switched partners and so I had to do this mission alone. Which is how I like it. But the boss says he will still find a partner to monitor me and my actions. 

I just finished one of them and went back to the building. Only to meet up with Chuuya on the grounds

"Yo, you seem to be in a nice mood" he says as he pats my back

"do you need something?" I asked him

"nah, just came up to check up on ya" he says.

We then heard a noise behind us. Only for it to be the black lizards

"Oh, so you guys are finally done too?" Chuuya says

Tachibara brushed off the leaves on his hair "Well sorta, the guy we killed gave us some kind of death threat. Saying that they were already in the middle of destroying Port Mafia"

Chuuya just laughs "Such foolish claims, as if they had the power port mafia has"

All of the sudden, one of our buildings had an explosions. There was nice a huge fire to one of the floors

"W-what the heck!? Did they got passed our millions of guards!!?" Hirotsu shouts

Tachihara then examines the floor that got exploded " OH SHIT!" he shouts "THAT'S THE HANGOUT FLOOR!!! YOZORA"S IN THERE!!"

Fear rose up to my heart and then I started to run towards the building with my rashoumon. There were some sort of group guarding the outskirts of the building. There were a lot of them but I didn't care and just killed them with rashoumon's spikes

"We warned you about this!" one of them shouts and throws a grenade at me. I dodged it and went up in the sky. Chuuya and the black lizards to then to kill them too.

I didn't see the man who was a bout to stab me in the back. I was about to stop him when all of a sudden. A lion jumped and had killed him with its mouth. It was now growling at the other groups that were approaching me. I knew it wasn't a normal lion, It was far larger. I knew it was an ability. It had a really angry aura towards them

The lion then started to kill them rapidly, devouring every single person that it attacked. We didn't even need to do anything as the lion got most of them dead.

We managed to kill all of them and got the fires put out. Mori came to us in hurry

"are you all alright?" He asks while he carried Elise

"Boss, where is Yozora!?" Chuuya says angrily.

I panicked and was about to dive into the floor when we heard a small growl from behind. It was the lion, badly injured

"Who are you? why did you help us?" Mori asks the lion

The lion changed back to its original form. Only to reveal it was Yozora, she was about to drop to the ground when I immediately went to catch her

"YOZORA!!" I screamed and caught her body, she was badly bruised in the legs. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry..I could have stopped that" she said, tears had fallen down her cheeks. I wiped them off with my hands.

"Yozora..that was your ability..huh?" Tachibara asks her.

"Jeez, your quite the beast yourself Yozora." Chuuya laughs "Look at em, no one would really suspect that you would do it"

Mori comes close and checks on her leg "No no, its fine boss" She says as she slowly got up"Fila, warm fire" A phoenix came out and made a fire that enveloped around her leg. It then healed instantly

"oh my, Charlotte didn't really say anything about you having an ability" Mori says in a surprised tone "could you explain?"

"Sorry Boss, Mother doesn't really like violence as much and so she never mentions it" she sighed "My ability is Lion's friendly fire. I can turn into a lion or a phoenix, Or I can summon them to attack"

"I see, you're ability is like that Tigers" Mori says, Yozora silently nodded and dropped to my arms again "It takes a lot of my energy when I transform though.." She says in a short breath

"Akuatagawa, go to your rooms and let her rest" Mori sternly says. I picked up Yozora, who was trying to stay awake.

"Its ok Yozora, you've done well gal. Get some rest" Chuuya pats her head and she finally shuts her eyes to sleep. I proceeded with going to the building. Our rooms were perfectly fine so I just let her rest in mine. I placed her on my bed and covered her with the blanket.

She woke up 3 hours later. Seemingly back to her old self. The boss then called the both of us

"So, since we know Yozora has a very useful ability" He says as he drinks some wine. 

"How about she'll be your new partner Akutagawa. I'm sure you two will be a very fearsome and strong duo" 

Without hesitating I nodded. If I can get to spend time with her, I'll take any chances.

"Is that alright for you Yozora dear?" He looks at Yozora who happily said yes. We were now dismissed. I held Yozora's hand tight as we walked down to our rooms

"Do you wanna stay in my room for today?" I asked her. Knowing someone might have seen her and planned to get revenge on her.

She just softly hugged my chest. I can only guess it was a yes 

Falling for Dazai's sister. Akutagawa x Yozora/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now