Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

***In Italy***

Domenico steps away from the table where Massimo sits to answer his ringing phone. "Ciao Zia Maria." he says as he answers. "What's wrong?" he asks. "Let me see what I can do. I'll call you back." he says before ending the call and just looking at his phone. "Something wrong?" Massimo asks one of his oldest friends. Domenico looks at him and says "My Aunt. She...she's worried about my cousin. Her daughter. Wants to see if she can stay with me for a while." Massimo stands before walking over to his Domenico. Putting his hand on Domenico's shoulder, he says "She's your family. Of course she can stay as long as she needs." Domenico nods his thanks and says "Grazie." before stepping away and calling his Aunt back to make the arrangements.

***In the states***

"Pack your things little one. You're going to see your cousin Nico." my mother tells me. "Mama, I'm fine." I tell her. "No you're not. All you do is lay in bed and cry. Now, you need to get packed. Your plane leaves in two hours." she tells me gently. I get up and pack my bags and everything I'm taking fits into three bags. We get to the airport and are waiting to board the plane. "Antonia Ricci?" a man asks. "Yes." I say. "If you will come this way." he says. "What?" I ask confused. "Your plane is waiting." he tells me as he reaches for my bags. I look at my mom and she smiles softly. "Call me when you get there and kiss Nico for me." she tells me and I feel another tear fall. "You will be fine sweetheart." she tells me and I just nod. I hug her before following the man to the plane.

He leads me onto a private plane and I look at him confused. "I think I'm on the wrong plane." I say. "I assure you, you're on the right plane. Mr Torricelli sent his private place for you." he tells me. "MrTorricelli?" I ask. He smiles softly and says "We will be taking off momentarily." I nod and he leads me to a seat and I put on my seatbelt.

Eleven hours later, we land at what looks like a private airstrip. The steward comes to escort me off of the plane, and the first person I see is my cousin. He walks up to me and pulls me into a hug and I start to sob. "It's okay Toni." he whispers and I shake my head. He pulls back and cups my face and looks at me and I see the question in his eyes. I shake my head no and he wraps his arm around me and pulls me close and leads me to a waiting car. Nico has always been more like a brother than a cousin to me and has always been there for me.

We get into the car as another man puts my bags into the trunk. As we get in, he raises the barrier between us and the front of the car and says "Tell me why you mother is so worried." I look down at my hands in my lap and pull my sleeves down a little more and he notices. He takes my hand and sees the bandage around my wrist and takes my other hand and sees one there too. He looks at me shocked and I can't look him in the eye. He tilts my chin up and says "Piccola colomba, what is this?" he asks. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "What happened?" he asks. I shake my head and he says "Fine. I will let it go for now but you will tell me what happened or I will call you mother." he tells me and I nod and look out the window.

We pull up to a mansion and I look at Nico confused. "Do you remember me telling you about my friend Massimo?" he asks and I nod. "He lives here and since I work so much, I live here too." he tells me and I nod. The driver gets my bags and Nico tells him "Take those to her room." Nico says and the man does as he's asked. "Are you hungry?" Nico asks and I shake my head no. "Did you eat on the plane?" he asks and again I shake my head no. "Then let's get you to your room and get you unpacked so you can get some rest." he tells me and I nod.

We walk into the room that I will be staying in and I see a four post king size bed with a thick, lush comforter and huge fluffy pillows. I look around and see my own bathroom as well as a balcony with a perfect view of the ocean. After getting unpacked, I head to the bed and Nico leans down and kisses my forehead. "Dormire bene cugino." he whispers as I start to doze off from jetlag.

Nico heads out to the patio by the pool, where Massimo sits, drinking his evening coffee. Nico sits down with his elbows on his knees and runs his hands down his face. "How is she?" Massimo asks. "I don't know. She won't tell me what happened and she has bandages on her wrists." Nico says. Massimo looks at him a little shocked and Nico says "I don't know what to do." Massimo puts his hand on Nico's shoulder and says "Just let her rest. I'm sure she will tell you when she is ready. But until then, we will keep her close." Nico looks up at him and he asks "We?" Massimo nods. "She is family." Massimo says and Nico nods.

Ciao Zia=Hello Aunt

Grazie=Thank you

Piccola colomba=Little dove

dormire bene cugino=Sleep well cousin

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