1. First Impressions

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"You want the best for my family, correct?"

Tadashi Yamaguchi flinched. It shouldn't surprise him, but it still hurt to know that his own father didn't consider him family. "Yes, sir."

"Then you would be willing to do anything for us, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

The man smiled. "Good. I will be sending you as a gift to the kingdom of Halen."

"Halen, sir?"

"You heard me correctly, Tadashi. You will be marrying into the Tsukishima family."

His eyes widened. "The royal house of Tsukishima, Father?"

The man's smile grew wider. "Yes. The contract is not final yet, so I could not tell you whom you will be marrying."

Tadashi felt a little crestfallen. It must have shown on his face because his father suddenly growled.

"Do you have something to say, Tadashi? Are you not grateful for this opportunity?"

He quickly shook his head. "No, sir. I am honored."

"Then it's final. Leave this room, I will call for you later." His father waved a hand dismissively.

Tadashi bowed and left.

He blinked away the tears in his eyes and hurriedly made way to the library, his safe place.

When he arrived, someone was already waiting for him with a cup of tea.

"Mother," he greeted.

"Come sit, Tadashi. I have your favorite jasmine tea ready for you." said his mother.

He made way towards his mother who was gesturing at him to sit in the chair across from her. Plopping down onto the seat, he sighed deeply and quickly downed the cup of tea.

His mother frowned. "Have you no manners? I know you must be upset, but there is no need to act like that."

He looked up at his mother. She was a fair woman with graying brown hair, although it was dyed to obscure the original green hue. They looked similar enough for others to notice that he was her son, but the similarities ended there. While his mother was outgoing and confident, Tadashi was quiet and shy. He didn't like conversing with strangers, and he didn't like loud noises. But out of his entire family, he was only close with his mother.

"So you knew, Mother?"

The woman sipped her tea. "Yes. Your father came to me first with the idea. I think it's quite brilliant."

Tadashi sighed again.

"Do you not think the same, darling?"

He shook his head. "I wanted to marry for love, Mother. Surely you can understand-"

"You think love is real in a world like this?" She scoffed. "I did not marry your father for love, and neither did he marry me for love. Be grateful that you are getting married at all."

"But my brothers married for love," he argued. "They all chose to marry the ones they wanted, so why can't I?"

"Because you have an obligation to this family," his mother said firmly. "And like you said, all your brothers are already married. How could we pull one of them out of their happy marriage?"

Tadashi poured himself another cup of tea, feeling more and more miserable the longer he talked to his mother.

"Besides, the Tsukishima family is kind. Feel lucky that you are marrying into that family and not into the Bokuto clan."

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