said gremlin should not be fed after midnight

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you feel sweat dripping down your furry head as Snufkin himself is revealed.  he walks out from behind you and stares you down. he puts two fingers to his eyes and points them back at you. he turns back to my love, little my, and they both walk back to class. 

im the school outcast. no one likes me. i play fortnite. i bully minorities on twitter. im a nerd. it was only a matter of time before Snufkin decided to pick a bone with me as well.

what a great way to start my first day of school.

remembering i was late to class, i quickly glanced at my schedule and ran to the correct classroom. mr. uusivirta. math. god i fucking hate math class.

i enter the class only to see everyone else already there, all in their seats, staring at me

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i enter the class only to see everyone else already there, all in their seats, staring at me. a familiar face stares back. dark, evil brown eyes, very large nose, nonexistent eyebrows. the face glared at me. i suck in a breath.



"Stinky," the teacher said in a heavy accent, "you're late. take a seat next to Snufkin, it's the only open seat left." i sighed. what kind of Wattpad fanfic am i living in? Snufkin's eyes never leave mine as i regretfully walk to my seat. this year will certainly be interesting.

after avoiding Snufkin's glare for like, an hour, class finally ends. mr. uusivirta is a horrible teacher btw, he only ever talks about his album, minä olen hullu. (why is he a math teacher if he makes music you may ask? no one else knows either.)

after hours of classes (im skipping this cuz im sleep deprived and have writer's block), it was finally lunch time. the one break from utter hell on earth. as i got my crappy processed lunch consisting of a hamburger made of toffle knows what, milk that's probably expired, and soggy french fries, i came to the realization that i have no one to sit with. my beady little eyes scan across the cafeteria, and notice that there were no open tables. at all. how does a school in a small ass valley have so many students??? i decide to nope it out of there and book it to the halls. but there is one slight issue.

the school staff. like, everywhere. i need to sneak past them. when all of them turn their backs to yell at someone who threw a hamburger bun in someone's face, i BOOK it right outta there. 

i ran while having a paw over my disgustingly good food, until i see a group of pretty nerdy kids sitting in the corner of one of the halls. they all stopped their conversation and stared at me. they consisted of what looked like a moomin, a snork, and a kid named sniff. he was in my math class, so obviously i know his name. he's pretty nerdy too, and honestly i couldn't even tell you what he is. dog? fox? rat bastard? all of them?? what the fu-

"hi! would you like to sit with us?" the moomin was now waving me over. "well i don't really have a choice but ok" i said as he yanked my arm and sat me down with the group. "these are my friends, sniff and snorkmaiden." he gestered towards the crowd. "oh, and im moomin." he said. a moomin named moomin. "ok go off. im stinky." i said, wiping my greasy paws on sniff's tail. 

"HEY-" sniff started, but moomin cut him off. "stinky? huh, that name sounds familiar. my friend snufkin mentioned someone with a similar sounding name-"

"SNUFKIN??" i yelled. oh NO. Snufkin is friends with MOOMIN? im gonna die here. just dig my grave in the tiles of this crusty hallway already. "yeah! have you met him already?" moomin asked as he took a sip out of a juice box.
"i guess you could say that?" i say as i bite into my burger furiously. gosh it tastes horrible. "i think this burger is made from goat meat or somethin," i said, making a face. 

moomin and his cult laughed in unison at my remark. yea im a cool kid now. "speaking of snufkin," snorkmaiden said, "isn't he joining us for lunch?" oh no. this day got even worse. 

"speak of the devil," sniff said, pointing behind me. a huge shadow loomed over me. i sucked in a breath. 

"he's right behind me isn't he?"

sunfkin and stink man fight to the death, more details at 9Where stories live. Discover now