Prologue - The Cloaked Man

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A cloaked man walked the streets of Godric's Hallow on one fateful night. In a small cottage down the road a family laughed and played freely.

"James! Stop that, you might scare them!" Lily reprimanded

"Oh, my little progslets aren't scared by a bit of harmless sparks! They will be brave Gryffindors someday! Isn't that right Prongslets?" James laughed as a shower of golden sparks burst through his wand again

"Pwongs!" Little Harrison gurgled happily, "Papa!"

"Papa! Papa!" Harry's younger twin, Jayce, repeated, "Papa Pwong!"

"See?! They aren't scared of anything!" James laughed again. Suddenly the wards acted up, cold winds blew through the house and everything stood still for one tiny nanosecond before...James got up and shouted, "It's him! Lily, take the twins and run! I'll hold him off!" he shoved Jayce and Harry into Lily's arms


"Just go!" James assured, "I'll live! I've faced him thrice already haven't I?! Escape, be safe! I love you Lily." He added

Just then the door flew open, and the cloaked man stepped through and Lily was jolted out of her shock by his cold, cruel laugh. She bolted to the twins room in an attempt to escape.

James turned to the man, his wand raised, "Stay away from my family you bastard! Expelliarmus!"

The man let out another cruel laugh as he side stepped the spell, "The greatest wizards of all time couldn't defeat me, including your precious Dumbledore. What hope could you have against me? Confringo." he said lazily

"I don't know, but I've faced you before haven't I Voldemort? Incarcerous!" James snarled

"Ventus." Voldemort said as he easily sidestepped

The wind blew James back as he landed on his butt against the wall. He grunted, his back bleeding and bruised as he got back up slowly, "Expelliarmus..." He muttered, missing, "Come on you snake faced bastard, fight back. You won't kill my sons. You're going to die before you even get close to them! You will die someday, we're going to defeat you!"

Voldemort growled, "I would love to continue this Potter, but I have a prophecy to stop." He flicked his wand and a blast of red light sent James sprawling backwards

"No!" Lily shouted from the top of the stairs

Voldemort's head jerked up to her look at her, and Lily immediately shut her mouth.

"Foolish mudblood," he muttered, "It's a shame I have to spare you." He advanced upwards.

"Please, no!" Lily said backing up into the twins' room, "Not my babies, not them. Please, anything but them! Take me instead. Please!"

"Stand aside you silly girl."

"No, no, no. Take me instead, kill me instead please."

"Move aside you foolish girl, move aside!"

"Never! Take me instead! Spare them, please, I-I'll do anything. Just not my babies please."

"STAND ASIDE!" he shouted, a blast of magic erupted from him knocking Lily unconscious.

"Mudbloods." he muttered disdainfully, stepping over her limp body, "Now, which to kill first?" he said as he observed the two twins.

Harrison's hand shifted to hold Jayce hand protectively, he stared defiantly up at Voldemort. His bright green eyes pierced into what was left of Voldemort's soul.

Voldemort smirked, "I suppose we'll start with you...Harrison. Avada Kedavra!"

At the doorway a dark haired man sped around the corner - just arriving, eyes widened in shock, "No!" he shouted as the signature green of the killing curse exploded from Voldemort's wand.

And everything disappeared.


"Sirius? Sirius?! Wake up! Come on, you have to wake up!"

Sirius Black's eyes slowly opened, "James, wha-what happened?"

"Voldemort, he–" James started

Sirius sat up immediately, "Harry! Jayce! Voldemort! He-he...Are...are the twins alright?!"

"More than alright Sirius! One of them defeated Voldemort! He's gone! Did you see anything?" James exclaimed

"What? How-when?! I can't believe this! I didn't see who did it, but this is brilliant!"

"I would not rejoice quite yet Sirius," a solemn, wise voice said

"Dumbledore! Why not? Voldemort is gone! People across Great Britain should be celebrating!" Sirius said

"It is my belief that Voldemort is not truly gone. A man who feared death so much would not allow himself to be defeated that easily, I...I fear that he is not truly gone. The twins will require great training to permanently defeat him." Dumbledore said

"But-but...we won't have to go back into hiding right? We can roam the streets freely now?"

"It is my hope that you will be able to get back to living your life as soon as possible. But first we must round up all the death eaters. They will most certainly be seeking revenge for their master."

"Death eaters!" James shouted, "Peter! He was the secret keeper! We have to find him! We've got to arrest him, he could be be in the next country for all we know, by now!"

"Calm down James, we should first get Lily and the twins out of the house. The roof looks like it's going to crash down any second."

They hurried over to Lily and the twins just as the roof fell in the family and Dumbledore apparated away.

They reappeared in a small flat Sirius had been living in. They treated Lily and rennervated her before turning to the twins who both happened to be asleep.

"Which one defeated him Dumbledore? Can you find out?" Lily whispered

A bleeding cut that crudely resembled an S shape rested on Jayce's shoulder. Dumbledore examined it gravely. Harrison's hand glowed brightly before Jayce's entire body shone a blinding gold before healing his cut into a faint scar.

They all looked on in shock. After a minute of pacing Dumbledore nodded his head in understanding. "If my guesses are to be trusted, Jayce is the Chosen One. I believe that the is the one who defeated Voldemort. Voldemort cast his Avada Kedavra right here." He touched the scar softly, "Then the magic that saved Jayce exploded outward to cause the cut on Harry's forehead. I suspect that Harrison here helped Jayce heal just now by lending his magic to Jayce. After all defeating Voldemort is no small feat for a one year old."

James blinked to process all the information Dumbledore had just given, "Jayce! Jayce defeated Voldemort!" he said in disbelief, "I-this is incredible!" James picked up Jayce and spun him around causing Jayce to wake and giggle and laugh. Lily smiled in happiness while Sirius and James took turns cooing and laughing at Jayce. Everyone was thankful for the survival of the family. For the temporary defeat of Voldemort. It was a truly happy day for the Potters indeed, perhaps...maybe, one of the last. For true happiness can only last so long. After all that same day was the day the Potters' hearts shifted, to care first for the younger child and only after him, for the older. 

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