Chapter 8

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Type's POV

The aftermath of Ai'No knowing wasn't that bad. Yet. I don't trust him not to slip up.

Like right now, we're hanging out with our friends at a nice cafe. And all of a suddenly he asks what it's like to date someone.

"Woah. Wait Type is dating someone?" One of them asks. I turn to glare at Ai'No.

"No he isn't. He knows someone who is. So I was asking him." I face palm in my mind how in the hell does that make sense.

Seems to have worked though. They nodded and went back to looking at their phone.

"So where is your roommate? Shouldn't you have brought him?" Ai'No asks.

"No we already see each other almost all day. Why would he need to be here as well?" I tell him. Though I do kinda wish Tharn was here.

I'm pathetic. We live together and yet I miss him only after an hour of not being able to see him.

"Owh. I guess you're right. But where is he?" He continues to ask me about Tharn.

"Why you want him instead?" I ask annoyed that he keeps asking about my boyfriend.

"No need to get jealous. I won't steal him from you." No answers yet again catching the attention of our friends.

"Why would Type be jealous of you taking his roommate?" Champ asks. I swear all No is good for is making my life as difficult as possible.

"Because he's a great roommate." He quickly responded to Champ.

"But Type hates Tharn." Oh God kill me now. Why is he catching No's lies?

"Not anymore, they are great friends." He replies.

I hear my phone vibrate before I can grab it. Team does.

"Give me my phone." I tell him, but when I go to grab it he passes it to Song.

"Shiiiaa.." Song says then shows Team the screen. I forgot that I took off the password for when I was with Tharn yesterday.

"WTF!" I hear Team say.

Shit! What did they find? "Give. Me. My. Phone." I say harshly.

"Type you are going to hell. Why would you do that too such a cute girl?" Oh they must be talking about Puifai

"I know right. It was my friend from high school. I introduced them. A week later she comes to me saying Type was dating someone. And I know for fact that's not true." Champ chimes in.

"Nevermind. Don't hand me my phone. I don't want to even think about what it says." I tell them.

"But no seriously. I never got an answer to why you said that." Champ tells me.

I decided to tell him a half truth. "At the time there was someone I was messing around with. And I realized one of the times we forgot to use protection so I just decided to tell her I was dating someone." I explain. I mean most of that was true. It was that morning we decided to just have sex with each other. So 8 hours later I broke it off with her.

"Ohhh. Is it the same girl that has been giving you a bunch of hickies lately?" Song asks.

"Yes. It's the same person." I technically didn't lie. I corrected the girl to person.

"Well whoever it is better be amazing. Puifai is really hot." Song comments.

I just nod. I don't want No to know everything.

I start hearing my phone vibrate nonstop. "Why is she calling?" I ask out loud.

"She isn't. Who is T and then a shushing emoji?" I've yet to change Tharns  caller ID.

"Ahh. That however I do want my phone back for." I rip it from their hands. "What?" I ask as I answer the call.

"No hello baby I miss you." I hear Tharn reply from the other side.

"Why would I miss you?" I question teasing him a little.

"Owh. I didn't realize you don't want sex tonight. I'll call you later. Bye!" Tharn hangs up quickly.

Well shit now I have to go to see him. Not because of the sex, but because of the sulky voice he used. Good thing I really do miss him.

"I'm going now. Bye." I quickly put my portion of money on the table and leave.

T❤- I am going home now. Love you. See you soon.

I text Tharn so he knows I will be at the apartment soon.

When I get there he is sitting against the headrest of his bed looking at the laptop. I lay down next to him resting my head on his chest and stomach.

"Hi baby. What you doing?" Tharn asks in his gentle voice.

"I'm tired. Let me sleep here." To emphasize my statement I yawn. "What are you looking at?" I add not really paying attention to the computer, but more to the hand that is now stroking my hair.

"Apartments." Tharns answer makes me sit up.

"Why? Don't you like living together?" I ask now worried.

"I do. This is why I called you. I was going to ask if you would move off campus with me." Tharn says. I release a sigh I didn't know I was holding.

"Why didn't you just start with that? I would love to move off campus with you, but I don't know if my dad would let me." I tell Tharn truthfully.

"Why not?" Tharn's eyebrows furrow.

"He told me I can't live off campus for the first year." I explain. "I can ask though. But you will come with me." I say making his face go white.

"You mean to meet your parents." Tharn gulps.

"Yes. To meet my parents." I continue, "And maybe some other childhood friends."

"Are you sure?" Tharn questions looking nervous.

"Yes. My mom would love you." I purposefully leave out my dad. 

"Will your father like me?" Tharn asks looking a little more hopeful. I almost want to just say yes so his face stays like that. It's cute. And hot.

"Uhhhhhh. MayBe!" My voice goes an octive higher on the 'Be'. Making Tharn's smile fall into a hopeless frown. "You'll be okay. I will be right beside you the whole time." I try to assure him, but he still looks wary.

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