Chapter 12

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Tharn's POV

"Did you have any fun?" Type asks me. For some reason he seems a little down.

"Yeah it gave me a break from all the spicy food I have been eating." He chuckles. "I'm going to sleep. Goodnight..... baby." Type glares at me before, laying down on top of me?

I look at Type for a long period of time, "Stop staring. Goodnight." He hugs me tightly.

"Type?" I whisper.

"Hmmm?" He responds.

"Everything okay?" I ask him. He's only clingy when he's really depressed. We've only been together for a short period of time, but Type has only ever been clingy when extremely upset.

"Hm." He replies without talking.

"You sure?" I ask him.

"Shut up and sleep!" He snapped. Okay then, he'll tell me tomorrow... most likely. I just pull him as close as possible. My nose buries into his hair that somehow always smells the same. Whether he is sweaty or not.

"I love you baby." I quickly kiss the top of his head before he smacks me.

"I hate you." Was all he said before pretending to sleep.


I wake up first for once. I try to move out from under him without waking him up and failed.

"Hmmmm. Go back to sleep. I'm tired." He groans.

"Okay then. I will......... Once you tell why you're upset." I say hoping he'll tell me.

"Nothing is wrong." He hisses.

"Type." I say it almost sounding accusatory.

"What?!" He snaps.

"What's wrong?" I ask again. I brace myself for a slap or a punch. Instead I feel a drop of liquid on my chest. I pick his face up to look me in the eyes. He had swollen eyes. He looked like he was absolutely miserable. My heart aches seeing him cry.

"Nothing." He hides his face in my chest again.

This brat! It is obviously something. "I don't believe you. Please tell me." I pout hoping he will say something. After a while he still doesn't say anything. "Type." I whine. "Tell me."

"Don't worry about it." He says and pushes his face more in my chest.

"Now I'm worried. What's wrong?" I ask him a final time. If he doesn't answer after this I will wait for tomorrow to ask more.

"I saw him." Is his only answer.

"Saw, who?" I ask.

"He's supposed to still be in jail." Type sobs.

"Who are you talking about?" I ask I think I know exactly who it is he is talking about, but I want to make sure before I go to jail for murder.

"I am ...stil-l powerl....ess. I cou-couldn't sa...y an....ything. I sto-od th....ere." His words were broken up. That's all I needed for confirmation.

"It's okay.  No one will hurt you as long as I am by your side. Which will be forever. Did he say anything to you? Did he recognize you? Give you a weird look." I ask with stress peaking from my voice. "Whatever he did he will pay for it."

"I do-n't wa....nt to-talk abo....ut i-t. Forg-get I sai.....d any....any-thing." He hiccups through his sentence.

"Type you're really worrying me." I tell him.

"I th-oug-ht I w-w-was ov-er it....." Type just continued to say it over and over till his throat was sore and he fell asleep.

What the fuck? My boyfriend has never acted like this. I'll ask his parents for a way to help him. They must know.

I just tangle my fingers in his hair and relax. Soon I am sleeping as well.

When I wake up Type is walking around frantically. I notice our suitcase laid out on the floor. What is going on?

He turns and notices I am awake. "Good. You're awake. We're going. Help me pack." Huh?

"We still have 4 more days left of vacation." I tell him still a little groggy from just waking up.

"Yeah. Well we're leaving early. I want to go. Now. I almost decided to just leave you here and go alone. Then I thought about it and freaked out. So we are going." That didn't even make sense. 'Freaked out' over what, leaving me alone or being alone?

"Don't you feel bad for your parents. We'll just be leaving them out of nowhere. Plus they can help me beat the shit out of him. Or you can beat him. Doesn't matter who." I say hoping to make him laugh. Or smile. Or at least somewhat feel better.

"I would rather just leave." He sits on the bed.

My heart clenches. "Okay. If that's what you want." I get up to grab my bag and start packing. "I can tell your parents why we're leaving if you really don't want to talk about it." I say after some time. Type just nods looking like he might cry again. "Hey it's okay. I'll handle everything. Just relax. Okay?" I ask him.

"No it's fine. I can help." I look at him with a face I know is filled with worry if not tears. Not of sadness but of anger. Of course I am going to be pissed off if someone upsets my boyfriend.

"Whatever will make you feel better. I'm right here." I didn't want to hug him. I was afraid he might think I'm treating him like a girl. As he would say, but I can't hold back anymore. I kneel down in front of where he is sitting on the bed and hug his waist while burying my head in his chest.

He just leans into me making it so my head I on his shoulder and his is on mine. Which somehow makes me feel like I want to punch the asshole even more.

It's not like he doesn't hug. He just doesn't when he is partially upset because it makes him feel like a damsel in distress who needs to be comforted. The fact that he allowed it proves that he is too freaked out to think about his pride.

I move a little to pick him up and sit myself on the bed with him on my lap. He moves his legs around my waist putting us in a comfortable position.

"Don't worry I will talk to your parents for you. Then we can leave." I tell him. He nods.


Hey it's been a while. I finally finished this chapter. I have been working on it for so long trying to figure out what exactly I wanted to happen. Hope you enjoyed.

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