Learning Trust

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(Inkmare, DestructiveDeath and Cream)

(I guess Kingdom AU)

(3rd person POV)

There was rumours that in The Forest of spirits lives a young skeleton. They say he'd built a cottage to live in.

Nobody has found him, but if your lucky enough you can hear him sing. He's told to be a great healer, one of the best, he stays hidden so nobody can use him for his powers.

He knows songs from modern culture as he's heard from around town. While he does go into said town, nobody thinks to track him home.

He's found out ways to easily sneak in and out of the town. It helps that nobody recognizes him. But what nobody knows, is that there is two of them.

Sometimes, people say they hear two voices instead of one. The other nobody has heard of because he was from so long ago, he can raise the dead.

But, he forever has to reap souls in return. He never rests, if he does it is very rare. Both of them only wish to find someone, but are too afraid of people using them.

So they stay in their cottage, safe and sound where nobody can hurt them.

Until two best friends made it their mission to find them. They've made it this far and weren't going to stop. But the legendary pair was so deep in the forest, many gave up.

Not these two, they basically free up with each other. Bound at the hip, you could say. Why were they doing this? Well, you'll see later.

They were pretty close, and one day they had woken up early. They quickly lit a campfire and ate some of their snacks as one of them talked to a dead loved one.

"So, Nighty. Why are you doing this?" A spirit names Dream asked. Nightmare, one of the determined friends chuckled.

"Originally? To get you back, but then I came to terms with your death. So know, Error and I are just trying to get them to trust humanity now" Nightmare smiled.

Dream was his twin brother, he had died when they were almost young adults.

They had this magnificent apple tree in their backyard on a small hill, one side grew golden apples and the other grew black ones.

Nightmare was bullied constantly, no matter what anyone did it would not stop. So one rainy day, he tried to eat a golden apple to be more like his brother.

But Dream caught him and jumped to grab the apple out of his hands. He successfully did so, but fell down the hill.

He soared over the hill, not even touching it but he landed on the other side and slid across the grass and hit another tree.

It first hit his back and he broke several of his bones. Nightmare ran over and saw how lifeless Dream looked.

He could only assume the blunt force caused his back to curve around the edge quickly and curve his neck at such a fast rate that he had snapped his neck.

Nightmare was too shocked to say anything, so when his parents found him crying over his brother's long dead body they had millions of questions.

(Yes, Dream is dead in this story. Sorry!)

Nightmare frowned at the memory, but quickly moved on. "Welp, we better continue. Error should be done packing up our stuff".

Dream followed them deep into the woods and he knew they were getting closer. But then, they heard a voice start to sing.

It was the song, Two Birds by Regina Spektor. It was sung beautifully and definitely of one of the cottage legends.

Error and Nightmare came up with the name, just as a placeholder for until they learned their actual names.

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