New Moon On The Horizon

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"Eyes, look your last!

Arms, take your last embrace!"

        ~Romeo and Juliet~









Chapter 1 realizations

Tonight was my sweet Bella's Birthday party. Jasper had tried to attack her when she got a paper cut and I knew it was no longer safe for her to be around me. I didn't stay with her tonight so I could contemplate what would be the best thing for Bella. As I thought of her beauty and the love we shared, I realized it was time for me to be selfless and let her go.

I drudged myself off of the couch and went up to Carlisle's office to ask his advice on how I could make a Clean break from Bella. I walked through the door of his office, he looked up at me and I knew the next words I would speak would be the hardest words of my life.

"Carlisle" I said in a malaise voice "I don't think it is safe for Bella anymore and I think that maybe I should leave here and make a clean break from her."

Carlisle looked at me with sad eyes and a tenderness that I knew sprang from love and said "Edward my son you know I love you as does our whole family and speaking on behalf of them all I think there is a better way to fix this than you running away." I could hear the thoughts running through his head and felt the deep sadness within him. He got up from his desk and walked over to me putting his hand on my shoulder and said "You know we all love Bella and would never let anything harm her, you can't just run away from your problems."

I looked at him with frustration and replied " I can no longer be with her, yet I feel as if I cannot live without her. I want her to be happy...and safe, as long as I'm in Forks she will not be safe."

"I love you and I will support you, no matter your decision. You will always have a home, here with us." he then asked contemplatively "Where are you planning on going?"

"I was thinking of going to Alaska, and staying with the Denali clan." I said with sorrow in my voice.

Carlisle thought for a moment then told me "I will contact Carmen, and make arrangements for your departure. When were you thinking of leaving?"

I replied "The day after tomorrow, after school, I'll tell Bella goodbye. I have to try to take as much of me away from her as I can, before I leave."

I could see the pain, and understanding in Carlisle's eyes. But I knew that he understood, this is what I need to do, this is what will be the best.

Carlisle gave me a hug, and I shamefully walked from the room. I felt a furious rage building within me, and left the house I felt this pressing need to destroy something, anything. I proceeded into the woods and knocked down a huge tree, with a deafining thud.

This is exactly why I need to leave as fast as I can, me, my kind we can't control our anger, or our actions. I went to the meadow, our meadow, that held so many beautiful memories of my Bella and I sobbed tearlessly.

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