chapter 2 Departure

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Chapter 2 Departure


The next day at school was awkward, Bella approached my car in the parking lot before school. I looked longingly into her beautiful brown eyes, trying to save this moment of perfection forever. Without saying a word to her I made my way toward the school. I could see her body becoming tense and uncomfortable due to the lack of conversation, yet I proceeded forward silently.

Most of the school day was uneventful, as I continued to ignore Bella. At lunch when I looked into her big brown eyes I could see the confusion in them, and I truly felt like a monster, with a heart of stone. She tried to break the awkwardness by busting out the camera her mom had gotten her and taking pictures of her friends. On a normal day this would have amused me, but today it I was filled with anger, and sorrow and was unable to produce the crooked grin that she loved so much.

After school I walked her to her truck in silence, and watched as she drove away.

I didn't go to Bella that night, I spent it with my family. Jasper's face was twisted, in a more painful way then usual, feeling guilty for what was about to occur. Alice, came down the stairs and sat on the couch next to Jasper she looked at me sadly. Then she said, "I have you all packed up Edward, don't worry while your away, you'll still be fashionable, and yet warm..." Oh Alice, how I will miss my sister, she is always trying to lighten the mood.

Rosalie, she looked at me and sneered, "I told you she was trouble!" and in her thoughts she said you just had to go fall in love with the human...

Emmett glared at her with disapproval, and said "Rose." under his breath, she stormed out of the room thinking of things she could do to that would destroy Bella. I growled loudly.

Then I told her "If you so much as touch one hair on her head I will destroy you." she grinned and went upstairs.

Emmett looked at me disapprovingly, then said "Get it together Bro, you know I wouldn't let her hurt Bella. She's just upset that our family is going to be broken." he then said, "I'll go upstairs and make her forget all about it." as he winked at me sheepishly. I couldn't help but smile.

Esme...was sitting in a corner alone. When I approached she threw her arms around me, and said "You are the son I've always wanted, and like any other mother I must let you leave the nest." she tearlessly sobbed then said "But I hope you won't stay gone for very long." she sobbed again and Carlisle took her from my arms to comfort her.

Carlisle then looked up to me and replied "I refuse to have this family broken, we're going to have to relocate soon anyways, so we'll all prepare to leave for Alaska tonight."

I looked at him sadly and replied, "I will go to Alaska with you for now, but eventually this will be a torment I must face alone."

The room grew silent, and I decided I wanted to spend my last night here in the meadow. I went out the front door to my car, and nobody tried to stop me. It was a long, lonely night thinking of my Bella and wondering what she was dreaming of tonight.

The next day at school, I didn't speak to her at all, until I was walking her to her car. Then I asked "Do you mind if I come over today?"

She looked at me nervously and said "Of course."

I asked "Now?" as I opened the door of her truck for her.

She replied "Sure, I was just going to drop a letter for Renee in the mail box, I'll meet you there."

I knew what I had to do now, I had to go to her house and get rid of everything that would remind her of me. I got in my car and drove to her house, for the last time. Luckily, Charlie was at work.

I went to Bella's room, and took the picture she had taken of me out of it's place in the photo album, and the CD I had given her for her birthday out of the CD player. I carefully removed a floor board and put the items under it, Then I went down stairs to forge a note so Charlie would think Bella went for a walk with me I carefully wrote: Going for a walk with Edward, up the path, back soon B.

Then I went to sit in my car and wait for her to arrive. I got out of my car as she was getting out of her truck, I reached out to take her bag from her and shoved it back onto the seat of her truck. I looked at her and said "Go for a walk with me?" taking her hand, I didn't wait for her to answer and pulled her along.

We went only a few steps into the trees when I'd stopped. She looked at the trail, then looked at her house and said "Some walk." I leaned against a tree and stared at her. My mind filled with confusion and pain. She said "Okay let's talk."

I took a deep breath, and said "Bella we're leaving."

She was confused and asked "Why now?"

I explained "Bella it's time, how much longer could we stay in forks after all? Carlisle can barely pass as thirty, and he's claiming thirty-three now. We'd have to start over soon regardless."

She looked at me confused and asked, "Why did we have to leave if they were going...?" her eyebrows were furrowed, and I could see the confusion on her face as she tried to understand what I was getting at.

What I did next will haunt me, forever. I stared at her coldly, she started to whisper, "When you say we...?"

And I quickly interrupted her saying, "I mean my family and myself!"

I mentally blocked the conversation that was happening. I was having to be mean to the one person that I love.

The argument continued to get heated, she was grasping for straws, begging me not to leave her. This was tearing me up inside and it took everything I had in my to see my way through this. But I knew I had made my point, I looked at her and said "I would like to ask one favor though, if that's not too much."

She said "Anything."

I then replied in a stern voice "Don't do anything reckless or stupid, do you understand what I am saying?"

She nodded looking frail and broken "I'll make you a promise in return, this will be the last time you'll see me, I won't come back, I won't put you through anything like this again you can go through life without any more interference from me. It will be as if I'd never existed." I could hear her heart racing, and I saw her body swaying. I smiled gently, and said "Don't worry, you're a human, you're memory is no more sieve. Time heals all wounds for your kind."

She looked at me and said "And your memories?"

I hesitated, then said, "I won't forget, but my kind...we're very easily distracted." I did my best to smile one last time for her. Then I stepped back and said "That's all I guess. We won't bother you again."

She panicked and said "Alice isn't coming back?"

I shook my head slowly and said "No, they're all gone, I stayed behind to say goodbye. Alice wanted to say goodbye but I convinced her that a clean break would be best for you." I could hear her heart beat quickening and the blood pulsing through her veins. I looked down and said "Goodbye Bella." in the most peaceful tone I could muster.

"Wait." she cried out reaching for me. I grabbed her arms and pinned them to my sides and leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, softly.

"Take care of yourself." I whispered, then I  ran as fast as I could abandoning the one person who has ever loved me with all of her heart.

*Note Please remember that all characters and quotes are the rights of Stephanie Meyers, and I am in no way able to profit from using them in this story*






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