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The cold breeze blew as you and Hajime walked silently across the vacant local park. A jacket is then draped over you, making you look up to his smiling face. You returned his smile as his hand found its way back to yours. "Are you okay? You've been awfully quiet today, (Name)." Hajime suddenly asked, making you stop. He saw through you. The rush of sadness and despair you've been trying to ignore then flooded through your body.

With a heavy heart, you bit your tears back as you said the following words, "I'm sorry Hajime. I can't be with you anymore." you did it. You did what your parents told you to do. Maybe now they wouldn't see you as a disappointment of a daughter. Hesitantly, you squeezed the hand that's holding yours before turning it over and placing his jacket on it as a vehicle parked in front of the exit.

You are from a wealthy family, the heir to your family's company, and just had been decided to be wed with your father's chosen groom for you.

Feeling your tears defying your order to not run down your cheeks, you turned away from the stunned man who was everything to you. He gave you happiness, treated you like a queen, and gave you all the love your parents lacked. You can't stand the idea of looking at his broken face. How could you anyway?

'Family comes first.' that's what they always told you. You reminisced last night's events when they ordered you to break up with your precious boyfriend. You tried to reason with them, even threatened to elope with Iwaizumi but they shot back with things you can't even stomach. It was then you realize you can't just possibly run away from your family and burden Iwaizumi. You told yourself this was the right thing to do. You have no other option.

"(Name)." Iwaizumi said softly, cupping both of your cheeks. "Run away with me. Don't leave me, please. We can make this work... together." contrary to his soothing voice, you felt like it's a sword stabbing your heart. "I'll do everything for you. You just have to stay by my side." you know fully well that he will. But your parents' threats echoed in your head again. Agreeing would be putting Iwaizumi's life at risk.

"This decision is the best for everyone, Hajime. I love you, I'd spent the rest of my life with you if I can... you know that. But I can't. Please don't make this even more difficult than it already is. Forget about me." hearts can be heard breaking as you forcefully tore yourself from him, and ran away from the broken male... without looking back.

"(Name)!" his voice cracked as he screamed for you to come back. "Don't go, please!" you sobbed, covering your mouth to lessen the noise you're creating as your driver opened the door for you.

"NO, (NAME)!" he yelled one last time but you couldn't hear him anymore with your hands pressed against your ears.

"I said just stay by my side.." Iwaizumi whispered, eyes glinting from the moonlight as he watched you being driven away in your family's limousine. A tear rolled down his cheek. He can't live without you, nor do you. Iwaizumi knew he is like the oxygen to you, allowing you live more humane than simply just exist. Like hell he'll forget about you. His gaze then switched to the moon, smiling at himself.

"Don't worry darling. I know what you meant. I'll get you back when the time is right."

Ready to be by his side again?
Yes??? Do you know the cost though?
Soon publishing all the chapters!

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