A Mistake

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A/N: hello my loves!! How is everyone? I'm so sorry for the late update but i was so sick until now.

This is more of a filler chapter. But i've hinted something towards the end that is an upcoming issue in the future so let's see if anyone can pick up on it 😁 i really do enjoy torturing this poor boy


Four days had passed since they finally had gotten to know the truth of Win's current predicament, and there was not one moment that he was left alone. His father had spoken to the faculty dean, effectively excusing all three boys from the university since Dean and Team had been adamant about not leaving Win's side even for a few hours. It had taken his father and Yong threatening them both to not let them see Win any longer just to get them to go home for a day or so, profusely promising to call them in case of an emergency.

On the morning of his last day of being held in the hospital, Team had come extra early and was sitting next to him, facial expressions set in to a stern frown as Win refused to eat anymore,

"Team please... I had three spoons already and I'm full.... no more please"

Win's whining and the bashful puppy eyes did nothing to deter the younger man as he had quickly grown immune to his tricks he used whenever he wanted to get out of doing something he didn't want to,

"Hia. Eat. I won't ask you again. Either you eat or I will go home. Your choice"

Team huffed as he looked away, knowing full well that he would get Win to finish his food, they both were mindfully distracted as they bickered back and forth that they failed to notice Win's brothers, who had just come in, standing at the door wearing amused faces matching with Dean as he himself sat back and watched,

"Fine... you're so pushy"

Win pouted as he opened his mouth, letting Team feed him, his brothers snickered at the display, almost making him choke,

"Good heavens Team.. is this how you get him to cooperate? We spent three hours last night trying to get this one to eat"

Team glared at a blushing Win when he heard the playful "it didn't work" from Wad.

The air in the room was light and playful, they had watched with their own eyes the way Team had brought back happiness into their brother's eyes, Win laughed more, talked more and they couldn't say thank you enough times for all that Team was doing. The lost liveliness in their brother's eyes was slowly returning and they swore in their hearts that they would do everything in their power to keep it that way.

Win was, for the first time in a while, felt genuine happiness, he had forgotten what it felt like to have people take care of him, but those around him had seemingly made it their mission to make sure he felt exactly what it was like.

Eventually Team had given up to his puppy eyes and relentless pouting, taking to sit next to him so that his head was laying on the younger man's shoulders while he hummed peacefully, he knew he would be going home soon but yet the reality that awaited him was so much more scarier than he had initially thought. Even though no one spoke about Bright around him, he knew they were planning something and he almost didn't want to find out what it was, but in the end his curiosity had gotten the best of him,


He spoke as he lifted his head off Team's shoulder and stared at Wad, the older being the only one of of his three brothers who remained in the room as the other two had gone to finish his discharge process,

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