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Pearl's POV :

"Seriously Jin!! you think that it is the best idea!!" I sat there watching with wide eyes as Jin try to apply foundation on Jungkook's face. "Believe me Pearl, it is the best idea!!" Jin said looking at me with his one hand on his waist and the other holding brush pointing at me. "And can you please enlighten me why it is?" I said folding my hands and eyeing him. "Well you see, he behaves like human and the only think is that he doesn't look like one. Some make up  and contact lens will work magic. He just don't have to speak." Jin said returning to his work. 

"Like you think that it will be going to work!!" I flail my arms at him. "Yes!! it will, it's just that he will not speak there. Right Jungkook!!" Jin said looking at Jungkook and he being an obedient kid nodded at him innocently. "See even Jungkook agrees with my plan." I shakes my head "He will agree to anything Jin don't give me that explanation. I am serious here!!" I walk to stand beside him. 

Jin stops applying foundation and look back at me. "I have already have his fake Identity card to have access in the military camp. He just have to play a mute person and then everything will be fine. Our main motive is to sneak him in pass the military gates and the officials there." I stare at him. "We don't have any other choice Pearl, if you have another idea than you are welcome but mine is actually the best." Jin said covering up the bruises on Jungkook's face. I mean he is not wrong but I can't help but to worry.

"I guess you are right. We will go according to your plan Jin." I slumped my shoulders in defeat. "You have to because this is the worldwide plan." Jin smirked.

"Okay!! Is everyone ready!!" Namjoon shouted fist bumping in the air. "There is nothing to be excited about." Yoongi said pushing past Namjoon to enter the bus. "You are such a boomer hyung." Namjoon pouted and Taehyung giggled. And the thing about Taehyung, he is now so much better and slowly recovering from all those antidote in his body. "You know hyung....he is like that only." Taehyung said giggling and patting Namjoon's back. Namjoon nodded still pouting. "Lets go inside the bus kids and stop bickering." Jin showed himself with his unique fashion. He was wearing red checked shirt with some old grandpa tie and denim shorts. He completed is look with straw hat and sunglasses. We all stare at him wide eyes and speechless. 

"What never seen someone with great fashion sense. Move peasants let me enter." Jin walked  as if he owned everything here. Well that is not wrong he really owns everything here. "Are you serious hyung!!" Hoseok asked. "Do I look like that I am joking!!" Jin said slightly lowering his sunglasses and looking at us. Hoseok shut his mouth and quietly helps Jimin in loading the supplies. "Hyuug Fu..nny" Jungkook  wispered which only I can heard as he was standing beside me. "He is wierd" I said scrunching my face. "Come on Jungkook lets go inside." I hold his hands and walk inside the bus.

"Is everyone already inside?" Jin shouted through the bus. We all said 'Yes' together. "Okay so lets go we have to reach cabin by the night for tonight's stay. There is long journey to cover." Jin said sinking himself on the driver's seat with Namjoon beside him on passenger's seat to help him in navigation. As bus starts moving I look out of the window seeing  all the abandoned surroundings we move past. There is sudden weight on my shoulder as I look at my right and see Jungkook sleeping soundly with his mouth open. I chuckled slowly and close my eyes slowly drifting into my own dreamland.     

"Wake up People!!" Jin's voice forces me to open my eyes. "Guys!! we have to stop here for the petrol, if you want to go restrooms you can go." All of us slowly starts waking up and heading out of the bus. "Also beware of any zombies though I have checked there are none but still prevention is better than cure." Jin said throwing out peace sign. I tap Jungkook's shoulder to wake him up. "Hey Jungkook!! I am just going to freshen up, you stay here okay!" He slowly open his eyes and then blink at me processing my words after that he nods and go backs to sleep. He is sleeping a lot lately. I shrug and went out of the bus to do my business.

I enter the washroom and check out for any signs of zombie with the knife in my hand and everything was clear. I slowly put back my knife and do my business. Frankly talking the restroom was disgusting but what to expect when you are in a middle of pandemic. I was washing my hands  and I randomly look at the mirror to check my beauty. My eyes widen when I notice a ghoul staring at me with drool dropping down from it's disgusting mouth. It's not even a zombie but a freakin ghoul. And then suddenly it barges at me but due to my quick reflexes I attack his neck and beheaded him. Wooh that was a close call.

I look outside the window and my eyes widen. There are so many ghouls coming out of nowhere. "Shit" I quickly went out off the restroom. Suddenly Taehyung comes running towards me and he was holding Jungkook's hand. "Why the fu*k  did you bring Jungkook with you when you know these creatures are roaming around." I said gritting my teeth. "He said that he was going to come to you even if I not take him with me and you know how stubborn he is." I just shakes my head. "Come on then I am fine let's get out of here." Taehyung nodded. I take Jungkook's hand and start running towards the bus but suddenly Taehyung screech loudly from back. I turn around and found a ghoul was latching on him with mouth open trying to bite him or maybe eat him. "Run you guys there are many of them coming, I will take care of these don't worry" Taehyung said trying his best to get out of the creature's grip. I was hesitating but Jungkook tugs at my sleeves telling me to run off. I look back at Taehyung who was fighting another ghoul after beheading the first and then decided to get out of here. 

As soon as I turn around  there was a tormenting pain on my left arm and notice a ghoul was biting on my arm. Jungkook quickly notice it and throw out the ghoul  by punching him straight at the face knocking him out. "PAAR..." Jungkook  shouted  looking  at me but slowly my surrounding starts turning hazy. Jungkook was in front of me wide eyes but everything was blur and my whole insides starts tingling. I slowly start loosing the consciousness and the last thing I see before closing my eyes Jungkook screaming my name with teary eyes.

Author's POV:

Hola amigas!! How y'all doing?  And how was the chapter?  I miss you guys a lot. Pearl has been bitten by a ghoul , do you think she would survive? Tell me with your comments. 

Thank you so much for reading. Love you all ❤❤


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