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The bus now entered an armament place. There is no sign of any dead here, people with soldier uniform were patrolling the place, each of them heavily equipped. The road is getting more and more raveled as they were moving further. Everyone's eyes was wide as they found themselves in totally different side of the world. There were tanks and missiles already settled outside the boundary of the base camp for protection. The soldiers who were patrolling was keeping the close eye on the bus as they were going further and further.

On the front there stand a very long steeled wall with an electrically barbed razor wire on top it. And if you look closely you can see people holding guns from the small cabinets on the wall. And there were thousands of robotic armed hands guarding in front of the wall. In short form, if you are a zombie then you are a dead meat here or maybe dead ash, who knows there might be dynamite explosions under the road for sensing zombies footsteps.

"Woahh!! That's insane." Jimin said with his mouth wide open. "Yeah...totally insane." Hoseok said equally astonished. "But the main question is are we gonna enter here alive?" Yoongi asked eyeing every military equipment and people on their way. "We will." Jin said from the front. 

Pearl gulped as she notice the surroundings, she looked on her side and watched as Jungkook was observing everything with wide eyes and open mouth. His human look make up was already done with the help of Hoseok and Jimin and god he looked damn fine. She not know when did she starts develop the feelings to protect him but she didn't want anything bad happen to Jungkook even in her wildest dreams. She just want to protect him from all the evils of the world. Is it wrong to fell for an already dead men?  She shakes her head from any other thought and just holds Jungkook's hand to calm her nerves down. As soon as their hands touched he looked at her and gives his famous bunny smile. And there goes her heart doing millions of flips and whole Jungle arising in her stomach. We have a very famous saying, Don't judge book from its cover. If someone looks at her face from outside, anyone could call her scary because of her intimidating expression. But only Pearl knows what is happening inside her. 

"Earth to you Pearl!!" Yoongi shakes his hand in front of her face. "Woahh..what!!" Pearl comes out of her stance. "You were creepingly  staring Jungkook for the solid one minute." Yoongi smirked. "I was not staring, I-I was just t-thinking something." She  stuttered. "Yeah, yeah...whatever  helps you to sleep at night." He laughed. Pearl just clear her throat and Jungkook was left with rosy cheeks and shy smile. 

Suddenly bus comes to an abrupt stop causing all of them to jerk forward. "He will never press the breaks correctly." Yoongi grumbled. Pearl looks outside and notice some military officials standing outside pointing guns at their bus. This is it. She gulped and tightly holds Jungkook's hand. 

"Be remain still at the same position." Someone shouted from the outside. Jungkook shifted closer to Pearl hiding his face on her shoulders. Several armed men entered the bus and starts looking everywhere and exploiting their goods. One of the men comes up and stood in front of them and carefully observing. 

"Hey!! Why are you hiding? Look in front." the man snapped. Jungkook meekly raised his head to look at the soldier in his eyes but  as soon as he caught his face he again hides his face on Pearl's shoulder shivering slightly. "YOU BRAT-" the man reach to him but Pearl quickly slapped his hands back before it could touch Jungkook. "Please don't touch him. He is just shy." She said swallowing her anger. The man creases his forehead in anger and open his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by someone, "Max bring all of them out." he tsked. "You girl! I will remember you." Max growled and snatched Jungkook's hand out of her hold and start taking him outside the bus. Pearl in reflex holds his other hand and start following them stopping herself to do something that she might regret later on. 


All of them was standing horizontally to each other. Jungkook was scared out of his wits just by looking at the faces of the officials. One wrong move and everyone will be doomed. 

"We are happy to see more humans alive." The person looked like a general roared. "Doesn't look like it." Jimin whispered, Hoseok shushed him. The said man made eye contact with Namjoon and stand in front of him. "You look like the leader of them." The general nodded to himself. Jin cleared his throat quite loudly. "There is no leader among us." He gives the man stink eye. 

"Ahh Okay then haha." The man laughed and Jin just grumbled silently. "General!" Max interrupted. "Oh right...I went a little off topic. So gentlemen myself General Steve banner and I hereby welcome you all in the military camp where we are trying to save the human race." General said keeping his hand behind his back. "You all already know that this pandemic nearly causes whole human race to vanish out but the survivors like you and us need to save ourselves by any means and wipes out the dead all around." He fist up his hand in the air with gleaming eyes causing Jungkook and Taehyung  to shiver.

"So are you all are into this agenda." Steve asked with determined expression. Silence. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU." he roared. "Ye-yes sir." Jimin muttered. "LOUD AND CLEAR ALL." He gives an ear piercing shout. "Yes sir." this time all of them said . "Good." the general smiled.

Jungkook was shivering and had his head low all of the time. Pearl was rubbing her thumb on his hand to calm him down. 

"Before all of you can enter the base camp we need to run a small procedure on you guys and I think you already knew about it. After then you all are welcome to the safe heaven." He smiled to all of them. "So the entry procedure of you guys will be under the guidance of Max. See you all later and all the best." He said and went on skipping towards his other soldiers. All the guys slumped their shoulders as soon as general leave.

Pearl meet her gaze with Max and all she could notice was his sinister smile. 

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading guys. Also I want this chapter to be special for 1k votes  T T  I love you all so so much. You guys are so awesome T^T *sniffs*  I PURPLE YOU ALLL SOO MUCHHH 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Always be happy guys cause you deserve it❤

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