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10 whole days, it has been 10 whole days since Arlo has last touched me. The trip had been great, and a wonderful time, but I feel about ready to peel off my skin. Finally, we are on our way home and the tension in the car is stifling. I peel off my t shirt, leaving me in my tank top and I fan myself. "Must you do that?" he asks, groaning with a vice-like grip on the steering wheel. "It's hot." I respond, leaning my seat back in the hopes of getting more circulation to the rest of my body. "I know it is; damn it, Lita, for the love of—" he takes a deep breath and cranks the air to full blast. "Better?" he inquires, eyes focusing on the road. "Yes." I answer. The tension is so thick that we could cut it with a knife, leaving us short with each other. "I can't wait to get home." He groans, unconsciously palming himself. I take a deep breath, looking out the window to avoid looking at him. "Likewise." I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest. "You're impossible." He sighs, on the verge of whining. "Almost there, baby. Almost home then this heat will finally subside." I remind him, rubbing my hand on his strong thigh. He grips my hand, stilling my movements with a hiss through his teeth. "Lita, baby, I'm a light breeze away from a mess in my jeans." He warns, breathless as he places a kiss to my hand and places it back in my own lap. I chuckle, resting my head against the headrest and watching the world blur past us as he drives us home with a hand white knuckling the steering wheel and the other hand white knuckling the gear shift.

After a long and torturous ride home, we're finally here. As soon as we set foot inside, he's on me. He dropped our bags by the door and presses me against it, locking it as he assaults my throat with his lips, groaning against my skin as he massages my hips. "10 fucking days, Lita. I'm going crazy over here." He whimpers against my skin, pressing his hips into mine to show me just how crazy he's going. "Then, what are you waiting for?" I ask, breathless. He groans against my skin, biting at my shoulder as he peels the straps down. "Bed?" I ponder, losing myself in his hungry touch. "No time." He whines against my throat. "Needy thing, aren't you?" I tease, fumbling to get his clothes off which results in us laughing together. "You're one to talk. Can't even get my pants off." He tosses back. In a blink, our clothes are discarded on the floor of the apartment, some torn, others not; a moment later, he releases his sins all over me after becoming soaked in my well. We lie, breathless and sweaty on the couch, sated. "Mm, I needed that." He moans, chest vibrating against my face. I chuckle, tracing invisible patterns onto his chest. "Hm, me too." I reply, resting my chin on my hand to look up at him. "Hey." I whisper, heart fluttering at his answering smile. "Hey." He replies, fingertips caressing my spine. "I love you." I mouth, tapping his nose and heart threatening to burst out of my chest. "I love you." He answers and with that, we fall asleep in a daze.

"You need to invest in some high coverage concealer; Arlo really goes to town on your neck, doesn't he?" Amy observes, wide eyes as she stares at my throat. I blush, a sense of pride flooding through me. "I like them, thank you very much." "Well, then have him leave them some place that you can hide them, sheesh." She fans herself, sipping her wine. I roll my eyes, playfully, before we go back to our drinking. I return to Arlo a little more than drunk. "Smiley!" I greet, throwing myself onto his lap as soon as I see him. He chuckles at my greeting, brushing his hand over my hair. "Stop that, you're gonna mess up my curls." I whine, swatting his hands away. "Hate to tell you but your curls are already messed up, my lovely." He states, trailing his fingertip down my face to stop at my lips. "Have a good time, my baby?" he asks, tracing the shape of my mouth with his index finger. "Hm, yeah." I whisper, eyelids getting heavy. "Let's get you to bed, baby." He coaxes, holding my body tight to his. "Okay, lovey." I hum, nuzzling into his neck. I don't remember anything else from that night; waking up in the morning with Arlo next to me is a dream, but this headache is not. "Morning, sweet girl." He greets, a smirk on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask, peeking up at him, suspicion creeping up my spine. "You were quite needy, last night." He observes. I cover my face with my hands, "How do you mean?" I inquire, already feeling my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "Arlo, I want you; Arlo, please, I need you; Arlo, please touch—" He mocks with a satisfied smirk on his face before I hit him with a pillow. His cackles are muffled by the pillow before he tears it away to lay on top of me. "Damn near tore my sweats off; had to bribe you with morning sex so that you would go to sleep." He teases. "Fuck off." I grunt, struggling to get his weight off me. "That's not what you were saying last night; you were saying, and I quote, 'Arlo, fuck me, please'." I bite him on the shoulder, pulling a squeal from the back of his throat. "With you picking on me the way you are, you're gonna be going another 10 days without it." I groan, pushing him off me. He presses kisses to my shoulder as I sit up. "Sorry, baby, it was really just something to have you begging me—" "If you don't shut your mouth, I will duct tape it shut." "Mm, kinky. I like that." He jests, earning an elbow in the gut.

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