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"How could you ask her without calling James first? Why didn't you plan something more romantic? Arlo, what were—" "I know, mother! I wasn't planning to ask her like that, it just sort of slipped out." I sigh, left hand holding my phone to my ear while my right hand supports my heavy head. "Well, what happened?" "We were arguing and I just couldn't stop thinking that even arguing with Lita, I knew that she was it. I just felt it in my bones that she's the one I want to argue with, make up with, laugh with and just love forever." I'm breathless at the end of my confession. My mother sighs, heavy before answering me. "Oh, Arlo. You still should give James and Linette a call." I breathe deeply, pinching the bridge of my nose "I know, mom. I just wanted to tell you. We were planning to make a trip down there this weekend and I was going to talk to them, then." "Good. See you both this weekend, then?" "Of course, mom." I reply, rubbing my temple with my right hand. "I love you, sweetie. Give Alita love for me as well, would you?" "Sure thing, mom." Fuck, how I'd wanted to have this proposal be something to remember; something that we'd look back on and say it was the most romantic thing I'd ever done; wished that I could've planned it out perfectly for it to be a story to tell our kids one day when they asked how dad popped the question, but I mean, I was always destined for greatness, I suppose that's the reason I completely botched the proposal. "How did the call with momma go?" Alita asked as she's shouldering the door open with arms full of groceries. "She yelled at me, naturally." I chuckle in response to her giggles. "Do you need some help in there, my lovely?" I query, leaning forward on my elbows. "I got this. So, what did she say?" she calls around the noise of her putting the groceries away. "That I need to ask your dad for your hand and why didn't I make it more romantic; I mean, thanks, mother, I was already beating myself up for that one." She emerges from the kitchen with a wistful smile on her face as she cups my jaw and leans down to kiss me. "It was perfect. It was very much us, Smiley. I'd say yes if you asked me with a mouthful toothpaste." Her words make my heart flutter against my sternum, my cheeks flame and I can't help that I want to take this deeper. She chuckles as I wrap my arms around her waist to pull her down onto my lap. "I don't think so, Arlo; I gotta go get dinner started." She scolds, tapping my nose before pushing up off of my lap, planting another kiss to my lips. "But now you've got me started." I whine, thumping my head onto the back of the couch in dramatics. "Oh, boo who, you can wait." She berates with a hip cocked. "Fine, be mean." I pout with crossed arms, amusing her to no end.

The weekend comes sooner than I am ready for, pushing me out the door and into the car to begging Alita to drive because my body is on vibrate. "Just calm down, Christ." She chuckles, resting a hand on my bouncing knee. "What if your dad says no?" I ask, abusing the inside of my mouth with my teeth. "Then, he says no and I marry you, anyways." She answers matter-of-factly, with a shrug of her shoulder and a fond smile on her face. "You would still marry me?" "Of course; I love you, Smiley. I've loved you forever. Besides, he won't say no." she shrugs again, leaning over to press a quick kiss to my lips while her eyes stay glued to the road. "How can you be so sure?" I taste the tell-tale flavor of metal on my tongue as my teeth break the skin inside my mouth. "Because they love you, too. Arlo, baby, they told us that they've all been waiting for us to get together. Why would he deny you my hand in marriage?" she reasons, soothing my nerves, slightly. "Alright, alright, you're right." I sigh, resting my head on the headrest, lolling my head to the left to watch her as she drives. "Just rest up, lovey. We'll be there soon." She hums, giving the top of my thigh an adoring squeeze.

I do as she said, taking a nap while she drove us to meet our families, but when I wake, we're at the lake. "Lita, darling, we're supposed to be at their houses." I tell her around a yawn. She caresses the side of my face, eyes glittering with love. "No, lovey, momma texted me to meet them here. Spending the weekend here." She reveals, leaning over the center console to kiss me. "Let's go greet everyone." She hums, her lips still only a breath away from mine, tempting me into another kiss. "Alright, my baby." I concede, making my way out of the car, standing and stretching my back before trying to find anyone; twisting my body to the right, then to the left before reaching my arms above my head to lean and get a good stretch. "Arlo, sweetie!" my mother calls, interrupting my stretch. "Shit." I mutter under my breath. "Hoping to stall for a little while longer?" Lita teases. "Shut it." I pout over my shoulder at her earning a fond smile before she walks away to greet my mother. "Hi, momma!" she calls, wrapping my mother in an embrace. "Alita, darling, they've got everything set up over by the regular camp site. Food is already cooked and sangria is cold." Alita presses a kiss to my mother's cheek before sauntering away to start setting up our tent. "Hi, mom." I greet, closing the car door before wrapping her in an embrace of my own. "Hi, sweetie. Are you ready?" she asks, keeping an arm around my waist as we walk over to the campsite. "I'm a little nervous, but Lita assured me that there is no way that he would deny me her hand." I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves, again. "Oh, honey, you're shaking like a leaf. Calm down, hon. This is a celebration." She chuckles, tapping her hand against my cheek. "Celebration, huh?" I fidget with my fingers, toeing at the dirt and twigs beneath my sneakers. "Yes, honey." She walks towards Linette while I walk towards Lita, making to help her set up the tent, but Matty decided that he was ready for the action. "So, I hear that you two crazy kids are getting married." He claps me on the back. "Uh, well—James?" I inquire, pulling a throaty laugh from him and a belly laugh from Lita and my mother. "That's how you're asking, huh?" Lita pokes, jabbing my stomach with one of the tent rods. "Goddamn it." I huff, slapping my hands on my face to cover the fact that I know it's redder than a tomato. "No need to ask, Arlo. We had a feeling that we would be getting a wedding announcement soon after the reunion." James assures, waving me off. "Seriously?" I inquire, unable to believe my luck. "Yes, now, do you want everything on your burger?" he asks, chuckling at my inability to respond right away. "No mayonnaise, please." "Like Lita?" he inquires, making my face hotter. "Yes, dad. Make his like you make mine." Lita chimes in, shaking her head fondly as she finishes setting up the tent, turning to look at me with the sun glinting in her honey eyes. "I love you." I spit out, relief bubbling in my chest when she rests her hands against my chest, stands on her tiptoes and place her lips against mine for the briefest of moments. "I love you, too. Now, get in that tent and change into some trunks; they brought the trampoline." Her giddiness is infectious as she bounces on the balls of her feet. "What about you? You need to change, too." I raise a suggestive brow at her to which she chortles at, shaking her head. "I'm changing in my mom's tent; we'd get into some trouble and never make it out of the tent if we change together." She walks away from me, blowing me a kiss over her shoulder before she disappears into her parents' tent.

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