Chapter 15

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We make our way into the cafe that Charlotte found, and I'm impressed at her decision. The drive took nearly 20 minutes, but it feels like we're nowhere near the city anymore. The walls are an exposed brick, and natural light fills the space. There are plants everywhere, and the whole space has a very rustic but contemporary feel.

We take a seat at a four person booth, me beside Harry and Charlotte beside Mitch. I don't even have time to pick up a menu before Charlotte grabs me by the arm and announces we're going to the bathroom.

As soon as Charlotte swings open the door to the bathroom, I know I'm about to get an explanation for what she needs to tell me.

'Okay don't judge me, but I think I like Mitch. We've spent heaps of time together lately, and we just have a lot of fun.' I didn't think she was going to blurt it out that fast, but it hits me how many times Charlotte brought up Mitch's name while we were out yesterday. I can't believe I didn't realise sooner. I knew they'd been spending a lot of time together, but it never once crossed my mind it might be more than just as friends.

'Oh my god, I should've noticed! You wouldn't shut up about him yesterday. Have you spoken about it?' I excitedly ask.

' But I think it might be mutual. I think we had a moment yesterday. I was hanging out with him yesterday after our lunch and he got something in his eye, so I was looking in his eye to see if I could figure it out..and then I think we just had a moment.' I can tell she's happier about this moment more than she's letting on.

'Are you going to talk to him about it?' I feel like we're school girls hiding away in a bathroom giggling about boys. After this Sydney trip from hell, sans last night and this morning, I'm not complaining.

'Well I don't know. That's why I wanted to make you come out to lunch today. To see if you could try and figure out if he feels it watch him or something, I don't know!'

'So I'll just gaze at you and him and not say anything so I can focus on deciding whether you two are marriage material?' I jokingly ask.

'If that's what it takes, yes.' She replies with a laugh, and we make our way out of the bathroom.

'I was going to tell you this morning when I came to find you, but that plan failed when I caught you macking on with Harry!' She teases.

'Oh shut up.' I say and lightly hit her arm, just as we make it back to the table. I slide back into my seat beside Harry.

'Oh by the way, I told Mitch about what I witnessed this morning at the elevators. I had to share my trauma with someone.' She sarcastically remarks, and Mitch and her both burst into a shared laughter. Knowing Charlotte, it wouldn't surprise me if she's put an announcement up on billboards all over LA.

'Wouldn't expect anything less.' Harry smiles back. I feel his hand reach for mine from under the table, and my heart warms at his little gesture.

We order our food; a kale salad for Harry, a hamburger for Mitch, Charlotte and I both order a noodle salad and black coffees for everyone. While we wait, the conversation flows from topic to topic, and I realise I haven't felt this relaxed in a while. It's nice to finally feel at peace. I notice Mitch keeps sneaking glances at Charlotte, and the way he looks at her while she talks is a dead giveaway.

The food finally arrives, and we all dig in. I'm impressed again with Charlotte's choice because the food is amazing, and we eat in near silence, savouring each bite. Harry somehow manages to eat his salad with only one free hand, because his other stays rested beside him. I think he's doing it so he can keep his hand touching my thigh.

Just as we finish, a fan walks up.

'Hi, can I get a photo? My name is Kaela by the way.' The fan says, smiling.

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