What Would You Do?

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What would you do when you hear the voice within?
When it makes you want to do this, that, or the other thing?
Would you say "dear Lord, l just don't know if this is you?
I'm really confused about this, l don't know what to do!"

Would you then do a survey from all your best friends?
Suck up to everyone and try to make amends?
Or would you walk away and say that God doesn't do this,
Reflecting on the need to have some serious self analysis,

What would you do if you heard the voice of God?
Would you run to all your friends and say you had a visit from the Lord?
Would you kneel on the ground and say a prayer from the heart?
"dear Lord, l know it's you, help me make a new start!"

But what if the message was about a woman or a man?
A stranger or a friend that surely wouldn't understand?
What if the message came with a name or an easy clue?
Tell me dear people, tell me what would you do?

What would you do if you were told of who you'd get to marry?
Told about the man or woman who was meant to make you happy?
There's terror mixed with joy trying to meet this stranger or a friend.
And hoping that this vision comes to a very happy end.

So tell me dear people, tell me what would you do?


Composed and written by Daryl Gounder.

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