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I can see you...

Shirabu's POV

Lost him... I can't get him back... Why... Why him...?

He was a kind person... Sacrificed his life... He saved me from this cruel world... This isn't fair... This world... It's not fair...

I walk to the store nearby. Hoping to drown my sadness in some pocky or whatever.

What the hell... What the fuck was that smell?

I smell something burning. What the heck?

I go closer to what I sense is fire. My eyes widen as the fire was forming behind the cashier.

I quickly yelled for the people working to get out of the store. I was about to leave too.

The fire grew stronger and stronger. As I look behind me the exit was blocked. Rocks had fell from the roof and blocked the exit.

I tried to climb the rocks to get to the roof and go out from there, but the fire had surrounded the place.

I covered my nose to prevent me from taking any of the smoke.

I was sweating, I couldn't go anywhere.

I felt like giving up. There's no way I can get out of here alive.

I found gasoline on the ground. Like it wasn't on accident.

It was on purpose.

Who the hell would do this?

I could feel my legs become weaker and weaker. Coughing, I sat down on the ground.

The windows were all blocked. This was planned.

My vision was getting blurrier and blurrier each second.

That's when I heard sirens from the outside.

And then...

That's when I saw him...


He smiled at me and kneeled infront of me. He cupped my cheek saying everything was okay.

"Dont give up yet, there is a way.."

The scenery changed into something beautiful. Cherry blossoms and a blue sky.

Was I saved? I think so.. I hope so..

I laid my head on Semi's shoulder. Smiling while a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Where am I?"

Akaashi's POV

I was with Suna while we were waiting for Shirabu to come back. He had lashed out on us, we knew that we had to let him be for a while.

Osamu was just sleeping on the couch like usual, I was reading, Suna was watching television.

Shirabu had gone out saying he was going to a shop nearby to calm himself down while we waited in his house.

Suna changed the channel. There it was, the shop Shirabu was in.

I was reading and didn't really pay attention to the TV until...

"A kid who was named Shirabu Kenjirou was stuck in the shop. While trying to escape he had collapsed in the middle of the store. He is now being treated in the hospital."

Suna's eyes widened and so did mine. We looked at each other and then hurriedly, I closed my book and put my coat on.

Suna quickly changed into pants and woke Osamu up.

We went to the hospital where Shirabu was in.

Waiting. Waiting for news.

Was he still there? Will we still be able to see him?

I saw Suna at the verge of tears. Shirabu was one of those people who Suna cared a lot about.

Not long the doctor came out, he had told us we can visit Shirabu.

We walked in and saw bandages over his burns.

We all sat near him and watched his breathing.

We didn't know if he'd suddenly stop breathing. We were too scared to talk. Too scared that it might scare him awake.

Will he even wake up?

I placed my hand on his, Suna placed his on mine, Osamu placed his hand on Suna's.

My tears soon started streaming down my face.

"Shirabu, we're here for you. Don't let go please, we don't want to lose you, you still have to go to college, you still have so much to see, so much to find. Please, stay strong..."

I say looking at him.

He was motionless. He didn't move. He didn't flinch. He didn't talk. His eyes were closed.

Soon enough, we had to leave so that the doctor can check more on his injuries or anything.

We waited in the waiting room. Waiting for anymore news.

The doctor came out and said..

"Shirabu Kenjirou is in a coma."

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