Chapter 1

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"He did what?" Keren asks for the third time.

I turn to the other side of the bed. She's not making this any better.

"You won't talk to me now?"
"Call me when you need me"

And with that she exists the room.

My phone buzzes and I pick up to see if it's him. Great. Just the stupid notification for exam from the class rep.

"Fuck!" I curse out.
I had completely forgotten about the exam. Shit. Where do I even start from!

I might as well just retake this class coz I ain't getting shit.
I turn on my laptop and begin to go over some notes.

One hour later and I ain't getting shit still.
Wtf is wrong with me?

As I get up to go to the bathroom, I feel a sharp pain in my chest and I fall short of breath.

Where's my inhaler? I can't see clearly. Everything is moving so fast. I struggle to get a grip of the door but I pass out on the floor.

At least that's what must have happened coz when I finally come to, Keren is sitting by my bed crying.

"What happened?" I ask her
"You passed out again, third time this week," she sobs
"It's nothing out of the ordinary. Just the normal asthma"

She looks at me as if I'm out of my mind. I roll my eyes at her. She's always so paranoid, but I love her crazy ass. She's more like a sister to me, I don't know how my life would be without her

"How did you even know when to find me?" I ask her
"Sister instincts, duh" she rolls her eyes and we laugh.
"I called three times and you didn't pick up...I knew then something was amiss"

Makes sense.
Five minutes later on she's back on my case about Harry.

"Well?" I had stopped listening when she mentioned that name.

"What do you expect me to do? Life has to go on right? Am not about to cry my ass out about an asshole who clearly has no idea about my worth. Am hot, am smart as hell and I sure don't need a man to complete me!"

Keren bursts out in laughter as soon as am done pouring my heart out.

"You see that? That's the denial talking" she laughs again
"Whose in denial? I left him!" I say proudly.
"But you're sad he let you walk away without a fight"

Fucking Keren. With her fucking honesty.

"I hate you" I hit her with a book and I hope it hurts.
"I didn't like him for you anyway" she says while looking at the door so I don't see her expression.
"Why you just telling me this now?" I hit her again
" Bitch stop!"She hits back while laughing.
"I always did, but your little in love ears only listened to him"

I take my phone and begin to scroll at pictures of us. How am I just noticing now how big his nose was. And that pimple next to his lips, how did I kiss that.

"See what I'm talking about?" Keren says as if reading my mind.

"Thank goodness that phase is over" I sigh.
"Yeah, it's good to have my best friend back" she hugs me tightly I almost get an attack again.

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