Red Door

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I'm sitting outside my frenemy's house. Perfectly manicured lawn, white picket fence, red front door, fake window box planters. There is no way in hell those are real. I'm sitting in my car just waiting and watching all of these commy mommies who drive awful minivans and have their summer dress and curled hair walking up the driveway with baskets of goodies for the mom-to-be. They must be scared of her too.

I thought it was a joke when I got the baby shower invite, but then when Karen called I knew I was being summoned. We owed this woman a favor. I wonder if the other girls from Summer camp got the same bat signal. Must come, Karen is hangry and can't drink. I start to build my courage to face the leader of our summer pack when a car speeds down the road causing a neighbor, who was watering his lawn, to spray the car with his water. The car abruptly stops and a hand comes flying out the window and all I see is the middle finger. Rachel, thank god for Rachel. I smile big because I know, where there is Rachel, there is fun. If Rachel is here then... Holly and Molly will be here. I start to look around and then I spot them. They are sitting in their jeep eating popcorn and looking at their phones. Bite the bullet, Kate. I open the door and get out carrying my momma-to-be bag and start walking up the sidewalk. I stand at the end of the driveway and watch Holly and Molly jump out and run over to me. Rachel is stomping down the sidewalk carrying a bottle of Rum. We were allowed to bring alcohol?

"Rum? Really Rachel?" Molly points out.

"We all have to survive in our own right," Rachel shrugs her shoulders.

"Hey, Kate," Holly interrupts.

"Hey," I said. "Rachel, do you have a backup bottle of Rum?"

Rachel holds her Mcdonald's ice teacup and shakes it at us. I stand confused until Molly rats her out.

"For fucks sake Rachel. Is there any sweet tea in that cup?" Molly asks.

"Well, no tea, a little bit of soda," Rachel informs us all.

Holly and Molly shake their heads in unison. I laugh and start to walk up the driveway "Come on let's get this day over with,"

Rachel loops her arm in mine taking the card out and looking at it.

"Just sign your name Rachel," I hand her a pen.


"I expect the Rum in return," I say.

"Deal," she says, handing the bottle over and I slip it in my bag.

The four of us stand in front of the red door and none of us really want to knock. Each looking at the other.

"I dare you to knock," Holly looks to Molly.

"Have Kate do it," Molly nods her head to me.

"Why me?!" I say shocked.

"Karen always liked you best," Holly and Molly speak in unison.

"UGH!" Rachel moans.

All of a sudden the door swings open and there stands Karen's husband. She actually married this guy?! We all smile and in unison say:


"So good to see you again!" I declare.

"Ah, Yeah, you too. Come in Karen is in the backyard beside the pool," He walks away with annoyance.

"Of course she is!" Rachel says. I elbow her in the side and she giggles. We slowly walk into the home and it is beautiful. Something out of a magazine. This is very Karen. There are a few of the suburban moms in the house walking around talking about paint in their educated voices and Chad leads us to the backyard.

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