1⃣ - Want your phone to charge faster? Put it on Airplane Mode. It will charge twice as fast. ✈️
2⃣ - If you have a stuffy nose, hold your breath and shake your head up and down, it helps! 👃
3⃣ - Need to remember something? Eat chocolate! 🍫
4⃣ - Apply Vaseline on your eyelids overnight for longer eyelashes. 👀
5⃣ - The colder your room, the faster you'll sleep. ☁️
6⃣ - To stop coughing, raise both hands over your head. 🙆
7⃣ - Feel like vomiting? Eat vanilla ice cream! 🍦
8⃣ - In a bad mood? Smile for 60 seconds. Trust me! It helps! 😊
9⃣ - Can't stop yawning? Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth. 😲
🔟 - Want to loose weight? Drink green tea! 🍵