Millie'spov I hear my mom calling me for breakfast knowing that today I'm going to music camp. To be honest we saw that the pamphlet said "and more" but I always like doing new things which is why I signed up for camp. "Millie get your stuff, come to the kitchen and eat your breakfast before it gets cold" I hear my mom yell again. I quickly ran out of my room and went to eat, while I was eating my mom asked "are you gonna be ok being there, I don't want the same thing happened when you were at school" which made me paranoid. "I'll be fine" I told my mom so she won't get worried, but I'm scared. "The bus is here, go get your stuff" my mom said, I got my bag and hugged my mom goodbye and hoped on the bus. I see the old guy with a hook hand who was driving the bus, I just sat at a random seat and was thinking about what might happen to me cause, let's just say some people aren't welcoming to me so I just put on my sweater and tried to hide myself.
Time skip
I hear someone screaming and the bus driver, who apparently is the quartermaster of this camp say "New kid's here". I get off the bus and see this tall red haired man who I think is a camp counselor say "Welcome to camp Campbell my name is David and you must be Millie!" I nodded in agreement. Then he just gave me a pin that said "1st day camper" to show that I'm a new camper even tho it's kind of obvious. Then I see 3 other kids at the entrance "welcome to hell" I hear the short boy say " Max language" David says. Then the green haired girl says " I'm Nikki the other guy is Neil, And why are you wearing a sweater in the middle of summer?" I was confused why she asked that so I just said "but Max is wearing a hoodie in summer" "true" she said" he doesn't have his hood up or something to covering his whole face" I was getting scared as she was about to pull down my hood. "NO" that was the only thing that came out of my mouth and Nikki looked a bit confused so I just asked David "Where is my tent so I can put my stuff up?" "Ok Millie while we are at it I will give you tour of the camp" David said as we walked away
I was confused about Millie not wanting me to put down her hood is summer she could get really sweaty. "hey guys don't you think it's weird that she didn't mind having her hood up in the middle of summer weather?" "Not to mention her skin is really pail" I hear Neil say "both of are looking to much into it" I hear Max say. "Maybe..." I say, I don't have much evidence but I think Millie is a vampire but I need more evidence to tell Max and Neil. David was giving her a tour of the camp, I found out she has her own tent and ever since she got here she's been by herself in the shade maybe because she doesn't like the sun! I also had a peace of wood that I took off of a tree and fell out to see if she got scared and she was when I came out of the tree she was under! So she is a vampire I have to destroy her before the camp is taken oven by a vampire instead of a cult leader!
Skip to lunch
"Guys I just found out why she has her hood up!" I say to Max and Neil " Nikki what the f** are you talking about" Max said as he's messing with the so called food we have at camp " I had been collecting evidence to see if my suspension are right and I have concluded that she is a vampire!" "Nikki that is the stupidest thing I you said today" Max's says not believing me. "well I'm gonna kick her legs so she falls and I can pull down her hood and the sunlight from the window can do it's job". As I said that Millie walk in so I just ran up to her and kicked her legs hard but only hard enough to make her fall not to break her legs she was confused and when I went to take her hood and glasses of I was confused? I didn't see someone burning in the sun instead I saw something different. I saw a girl with white hair, purple eyes, and pail skin. Millie looked like she was about to cry...I think I messed up
I was in shook that Nikki took my hood and glasses of it felt like I was paralyzed. Everyone was staring at me and Nikki and I the only thing that came out of my mouth was " I'm never going to escape." Then I just ran out of the mess hall to find somewhere to be alone I went to the stage this camp had. I put my hood and glasses on and just started balling my eyes out
Small time skip
I was on the stage about to work on a new play, when I started to hear crying? I went to see who was crying and it was the new camper maybe it was because of what happened at lunch so I went to see what was wrong. "Hey new camper" trying to get her attention which worked but scared her. "sorry I don't really know your name I'm Preston goodplay, and you are" trying to be friendly but she just looked confused " name is Millie" she said quietly." Why are you being nice to me" she said in wonder "because it's respectful to treat people with kindness?" I say to the weird question I sat down next to her and ask her why she's crying and about what happened at lunch. She soon told me everything what happened to her before camp ." that is so f**ing stupid what is wrong with people these days!" I go off yelling and I can see that she has a smile on her face." you know what Millie you and me are friends " I tell her" a friend..I never had a friend before" she tells me. We both started talking for hours about what we like and making jokes soon I saw the sun was gone and I got an idea " Millie meet me here tomorrow ok" she nods and we left to go to are tents
The next day
I walk to the stage and see Preston and two other kid " Millie this is Nerris and Harrison my other friends" Preston told me. "so your the new camper that Preston got to know" Harrison said "can you do MAGIC?!" I said in existent because I really love practicing and seeing magic. " yes I can" he said and I turn my head to Nerris who looks like a mage "why do you look like a mage " "because I am a mage". I was even happier because I know p&p (camp camp version of d&d) because my mom and me would play when she would get off of work early "I'm actually a amazing healer" I tell Nerris and see seemed happy to know someone else to go on quest with." So you like magic" I hear Harrison say after I was done talking to Nerris."Well yes but I can only make things float " " can you show me" I hear him say. I was nervous so show but Preston gave me thumbs up and
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I was levitating some stuff Preston had on the floor and Harrison looked impressed. "I told you guys she's amazing" Preston said and soon Nerris and Harrison became my friends and I felt like I belonged. When I ate breakfast Nikki apologize about yesterday and thinking I was a vampire. At the end of the day I really think I'm gonna like it here.