Giyuu to Shinobu

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Shinobu: No one likes you, Giyuu.

Giyuu: *offended*

Shinobu: Oh, sorry. Did you not know that before?

Giyuu: It's okay, Shinobu.

Shinobu: *confused* What's okay?

Giyuu: Not everyone has good taste.

Shinobu: *her turn to be offended*

Giyuu: *epic hair flip even though he chopped it all off shh*

Haha I don't ship Giyuu x Shinobu, so....


Is this a real chapter? Nope!

Lolololol sorry if you were hoping for something better. Don't. I'm trash ;v;

I also just finished watching A Silent Voice, and let me tell you, I FUCKING HATE KAWAI.

Okay, that's all I have to say, thank you for your time 😌💅

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