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Logan Howlett couldn't believe he was... well... alive.

It worked —time travel and all the chaos that followed.

Logan suppressed a laugh. Good ol' Chuck and Magneto actually worked together to save the world. Who knew?

Logan stood straighter, gazing around the room, his shoulders tense.

"You did it," Logan blurted out, in awe.

"Did what?" the Professor narrowed his eyes, closing his book. "And Logan... don't you have a class to teach?"

Logan eyed the Professor skeptically.

That can't be right, he thought. I just woke up, and now I'm teaching? Hell no.

"A class? To teach?" Logan asked.

The Professor chuckled, as if Logan should already know this. "World History," he stressed. "It begins at one-thirty."

"World History," Logan slowly nodded. "Well... actually, I'm going to need a little help with that."

The Professor rode closer. "Help with what?"

Jesus! Why wasn't Chuck catching on? Much less anyone else, for that matter? Logan never taught World History before, and everyone Logan knew, all of his friends that had died, are now alive.

and even... Jean.

When Logan saw her, standing near the Professor's office, looking absolutely healthy and happy, Logan couldn't help but feel relieved that she was alive. A bit taken aback, for sure... but still... relieved. And like a movie screen that began to play in his mind —memories and feelings from the old timeline rushing back to him— all Logan felt in return, as he stared into Jean's eyes, was numbness. Nothing else. Everything that once was, even Logan's old self —feelings and all— was altered.

The built-up jealousy? Gone.

What Logan thought was love? Gone.

The desperation to prove himself and his worth to Jean? Absolutely gone.

And although completely overwhelmed, Logan couldn't ignore how liberating this new reality was quickly becoming. Though, the urges to punch Scott in the face still lingered, proving to Logan that —even after something as drastic as time traveling to change the course of history and the future— some things never do change.

But for the first time ever, Logan could finally breathe. And that felt good. Great, even.

No one was after him or the X-men.

He had no enemies, as far as he knew.

And... the world wasn't ending —the sun was even shining today; not one dark cloud in sight.

Turning his focus back onto the Professor —whose brows were slightly furrowed as he looked off into the distance, as if the Professor was also trying to piece everything together— Logan cleared his throat.

"I guess..." he finally continued. "Pretty much everything after nineteen seventy-three. I think the History I know, is a bit... different now."

After a brief moment of silence, the Professor gasped. "Welcome back."

Logan let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders more relaxed. At least Charles now remembered, and Logan wasn't completely alone and left with these old memories to sort through and process. But nonetheless, Logan couldn't help but feel grateful... for everything —especially what everyone sacrificed and accomplished.

"It's good to see you, Charles," Logan smiled. "It's good to see everyone."

"Well," the Professor chuckled. "I had a promise to keep. You and I have a lot of catching up to do."

"Yeah..." Logan sighed, scratching the back of his neck.

A lot seems like such an understatement. Because now, Logan's whole life was a mystery! A confusing, complicated, gigantic blur. What actually happened and what was part of the old timeline?

Already getting frustrated, Logan sensed these sessions were going to consist of a slew of early mornings to catch up on pretty much... everything. Great.

"What's the last thing you remember?" the Professor asked.

Automatically, Logan grit his teeth and shuddered. Trying to grasp something so close, yet so far away, Logan could only describe the new, fuzzy memory with just one word.


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