The Night That Changed His Fate- Wolfstar

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of a Suicide Attempt
Remus woke up early. He sat up on his bed. "Today is the day," he thought. He bent down and pushed some papers farther under his mattress. He grabbed a book and went down to the common room to read.
He put his book down and walked to breakfast with his friends. He grabbed some of everything hoping to eat as much as he could. "Oi, Moony! You act like you're never going to eat breakfast again" Sirius teased poking Remus lightly with his fork.
"I'm just hungry," Remus said. He went quiet again. Remus seemed to be lost in thought. Sirius thought something seemed off about Remus' behavior.
Later that day the Marauders were hanging out by the Black Lake. James and Sirius were talking about a prank they were going to pull on the Slytherin. "Hey Moony do you want to go prank the Slytherins with us," James asked deviously.
"Yeah let's go," Remus said much to the surprise of Sirius and James.
"Is he ok," Sirius wondered.
After they pulled the prank they went up to Gryffindor Tower to study. Sirius couldn't help but notice that Remus couldn't concentrate. He seemed to be thinking about something sad yet peaceful Sirius decides to ask Remus about it after dinner.
*Time Skip to after dinner and Sirius never talked to Remus*
Sirius was laying in his bed when he heard Remus get up. He thought Remus was going down to the common room to read, so he closed his eyes and pretended he was asleep. He felt a paper bag being slid under his pillow. He waited until Remus left the dormitory to open his eyes. He quickly sat up and pulled the bag out from under his pillow and found a note inside. He quickly read the note and when he finished he jumped up from his bed and fumbled around for the invisibility cloak, but it was nowhere to be seen. He quickly cast a disillusionment charm and ran to warn Professor McGonagall.
Meanwhile, Remus was walking towards the Astronomy Tower. He walked up the stairs slowly admiring the architecture. When he was at the top of the stairs he took off the cloak and stored it in a hidden compartment. He took a deep breath and walked slowly over to the big window. He stepped onto the ledge. He looked at the sky. It had so many stars. He was reminded why he was doing this. He had a crush on his best friend Sirius, but he didn't want to be a burden to anyone especially to Sirius. He thought it was better to die than live with these feelings. He bent his knees and prepared to jump.
Sirius burst into the Astronomy Tower and ran towards Remus and grabbed his hand.
"Please don't do this," he whispered through tears. Remus turned around and broke down into sobs. He allowed Sirius to pull him down from the ledge. "Why, why would you bet think about doing that," Sirius asked.
"I was burdening everyone. I didn't want to hurt them anymore. I-I t-thought it was b-better if I left," Remus said through sobs.
"You weren't a burden to anyone. I don't know what I would do without you. You are the only one who calms me down after I have listened to my parents letters. You always help us. You are the sunshine of our group. You have never burdened anyone," Sirius exclaimed trying to calm his friend down. Remus was still sobbing. He was stuttering abut how he didn't deserve to be alive. Sirius leaned over and kissed him. Remus was surprised and then he kissed back.
"I like you, Remus and I couldn't live without you," Sirius whispered after they broke the kiss.
"I like you too," Remus said.

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